Tag: Jewish Teachings

This episode delves into practical ways to incorporate the teachings of Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky into daily life, aiming to gain a comprehensive knowledge of Torah.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Ari Bergmann, a PhD and financier, discusses the economic benefits of shemittah, which is the year when the land is allowed to rest.
In this episode of TanakhCast, the hosts discuss the importance of patience as they delve into the exploration of four chapters of the Tanakh every two weeks.
In this letter, Mosheh Lichtenstein discusses the emotional and spiritual impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
In this article, the author reflects on the teachings of the Talmud regarding living through a pandemic.
The Torah presents a complex view of power, highlighting both its potential for good and the dangers it poses.
Aggadah is one of the two parts of the Talmud, with the other being the Halachic portions.
This text is a personal reflection on the author's last conversation with Rav Amital, a prominent Jewish religious leader.
Rabbi Ozer Glickman, a beloved teacher and figure in the Jewish community, passed away, leaving behind a legacy of kindness and generosity.
In TanakhCast #111, the Mabovitz Edition, the podcast delves into the Tanakh by discussing four chapters every two weeks, beginning with Genesis and concluding with 2 Chronicles, acknowledging the extensive journey ahead.
This text explores the author's struggle to reconcile their routine for observing Shabbat with their routine for participating in political protests, particularly in the context of events like the Women's March.
The article discusses the challenge of maintaining a mistake-free transmission of the Torah within the Jewish nation despite human fallibility.
In "The Blessings of a B Minus," psychologist Wendy Mogel advises parents to delay conversations about college with their teens until 11th grade and focus on building trust in God (bitachon) and self-reliance instead of solely on academic achievements.