Tag: Kosher Certification

The KLBD has recently certified a variety of Nando's rubs and seasoning shakers as kosher and parev, adding to the range of already certified marinades and sauces from the South African chicken chain.
Patis, a popular kosher bakery chain in NYC known for its high-quality pastries and urban cafe culture, has filed for bankruptcy after facing difficulties sustaining its rapid growth since 2018.
Turkey's abrupt trade ban with Israel, announced by President Erdogan, has impacted both countries significantly, with implications for Jewish communities involved in trade between the two nations.
PopUp Bagels, founded by Adam Goldberg, has stirred controversy with its unique approach to bagels, requiring a three-bagel minimum purchase, unsliced bagels, and mandatory cream cheese or butter tubs.
The Sephardi Kashrut Authority has released its Pesach Guide for 5784/2024, listing certified and approved products for Passover.
Beejhy Barhany, the owner of Tsion Cafe in Harlem, is celebrating her Ethiopian-Israeli Jewish identity by making her restaurant fully kosher and vegan.
Tsion Cafe, a popular Ethiopian-Israeli restaurant in Harlem, has recently become certified kosher and fully vegan.
The Orthodox Union (O.U.) has granted kosher certification to lab-grown poultry products from Israeli startup SuperMeat, marking a significant development in the application of Jewish dietary laws to emerging food technologies.
The Orthodox Union (OU) faced backlash when it certified Herrs roast pork-flavored potato chips as kosher, despite there being no actual pork or meat byproducts in the ingredients.
Ben & Esther's Vegan Jewish Deli, located in Seattle, is gaining popularity as a successful plant-based Jewish deli.
The Conservative movement has issued a ruling stating that Jews may eat at vegetarian or vegan restaurants that do not have kosher supervision.
This article discusses the impact of inflation on Pesach food prices.
The recent issue of Jewish Action, dedicated to the 100-year anniversary of OU Kosher, has garnered praise from readers.
In this article, Rabbi Moshe Elefant emphasizes the importance of being an informed kosher consumer in today's modern world.
The article discusses the celebration of the 100th anniversary of OU Kosher, an organization that certifies kosher food.
This article discusses the history and impact of the Orthodox Union's (OU) kosher certification program in the United States.
Rabbi Moshe Elefant, COO of OU Kosher, reflects on the evolution of kosher certification over the years.
In this article, Rabbi Julius Berman discusses his involvement with the OU Kosher and the importance of maintaining high standards in kashrut certification.
The mission of OU Kosher, led by Harvey Blitz, is to ensure that high-quality kosher food is available to the Jewish community.
Rabbi Shoshan Ghoori, the director of OU Koshers Latin America client relations, travels to South American factories to inspect and connect them to the Jewish market.
Phyllis Koegel, the marketing director of OU Kosher, has been instrumental in bringing kosher certification to over 2,000 new brands and 250,000 new products over the past sixteen years.
Rabbi Chaim Goldzweig, a longtime RFR with OU Kosher, was known for his dedication to kashrut and his encyclopedic knowledge of kosher ingredients and factory production practices.
In this article, the author sets out on a mission to find the best kosher pizza in New York City.
The cost of hosting a Passover Seder has significantly increased this year due to various factors such as inflation, supply chain disruptions, an outbreak of bird flu affecting poultry prices, and increased demand for kosher food.
The article discusses the emergence of plant-based pork substitutes in the market and explores the Jewish perspective on consuming these products.