Tag: Leadership

Israeli journalist Ruthie Blum discusses Israel's potential fifth election in two years despite Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's successes, particularly in the national vaccination campaign.
The documentary "King Bibi: The Life and Performances of Benjamin Netanyahu" delves into the success of Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel's longest-serving Prime Minister, highlighting his enduring influence on Israeli politics over the past forty years.
The Torah does not have books dedicated exclusively to the topic of leadership, despite containing wisdom on the subject.
In a recent podcast, COMMENTARY columnist Matthew Continetti discusses the potential for division within the Democratic party after the upcoming presidential election and reflects on what recent events have revealed about leadership.
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is pushing for an emergency unity government amid the Coronavirus crisis and his impending court date.
Ishay Ribo's rendition of the Yom Kippur Temple service, Seder ha-Avodah, has garnered immense popularity for blending secular and religious themes and focusing on the emotional dynamics of leadership and individuality during Yom Kippur.
The text explores the significance of viewing oneself as personally having left Egypt in the context of the Passover Haggadah's directive.
The author discusses the concept of synagogue leadership inspired by Yitro's advice to Moses on establishing judges.
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks wrote two books, "Essays on Ethics" and "Lessons in Leadership," which focus on weekly readings from the Jewish Bible.
Shimon Peres, a prominent figure in Israeli politics, possessed remarkable skills in navigating complex political landscapes and was known for his strategic thinking and ability to persuade others.
In this insightful interpretation of the Torah portion, the narrative of the Israelites demanding meat in the desert and Moses appointing elders to assist him is used to discuss the nature of leadership.
The author reflects on fatherhood as he prepares for his third Fathers Day.
"Hidden in Thunder" by Esther Farbstein delves into the choices made by Jewish individuals, particularly Rabbi Avraham Dov-Ber Kahane-Shapiro, during the Holocaust to maintain faith and religious practices in the face of immense adversity.
In "Ben-Gurion: A Political Life" by Shimon Peres, the book explores the leadership and legacy of David Ben-Gurion, emphasizing his pivotal role in the founding of the State of Israel.