Tag: Leadership

In a comparison between Moses and Joe Biden, both leaders with speech challenges, the article discusses Biden's struggle with a stutter, particularly evident during a recent debate, and the suggestion that he may need a surrogate speaker like Moses had Aaron.
Rav Gershon Edelstein, a revered figure in the yeshivah world, passed away at the age of 100, leaving behind a legacy of quiet influence and profound Torah knowledge.
Ilana Kaufman, CEO of the Jews of Color Initiative, emphasizes the importance of maintaining commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts despite challenges and conflicts that may arise.
The article asserts that President Biden is showing signs of decline.
The text discusses how crucial it is for Jewish organizations to have a positive board culture led by accountable and transparent lay and professional leaders aligned with the organization's mission.
The article discusses the contemporary crisis of trust in leaders across political, corporate, and religious spheres, emphasizing the need for a new attitude towards leadership.
This text discusses the role of charisma in communal leadership, contrasting figures like R Avrohom Kalisker and the Vilna Gaon with the Rambam, who sought to avoid communal leadership.
The author recounts their meeting with Argentina's underdog presidential candidate, President Milei.
In this piece, Eric K. Ward, an activist and recipient of an Inspirational and Leadership Award, explains how the core of white nationalism is rooted in antisemitism and how different political movements tap into it.
Rabbi David Ellenson, a respected Jewish leader and scholar, is being remembered for his kindness, warmth, and menschlichkeit.
In his book "Leadership: Six Studies in World Strategy," Henry Kissinger explores the qualities of great leaders and the challenges faced by leaders of nations.
The Sedra of Vayelech recounts Moses confessing to the Israelites that he is unable to continue leading them due to his old age.
The film "Golda," starring Helen Mirren as Golda Meir, showcases Meir's leadership during the Yom Kippur War.
Hawaii Governor Josh Green is facing a significant test of his leadership as he grapples with the aftermath of devastating wildfires in Maui.
Recent events in Israel and the United States have raised questions about leadership and followership during times of crisis.
In Parshat Ekev, Moses describes the Land of Israel as a place of abundance and prosperity, contrasting it with the negative images and fear described by the leaders who scouted the land in Numbers 13.
This episode discusses the reactions of contemporary Chassidic groups to advances in artificial intelligence, specifically focusing on why American Chassidic groups have reacted while Israeli ones have not.
The article discusses the little-known biblical character Tola ben Puah, who is mentioned in only two verses in the Book of Judges.
The podcast discusses articles that aim to excuse Joe Biden's challenges and critique the messaging of the Democratic Party.
In a podcast discussing an NBC News story, the lack of credit given to Joe Biden is highlighted.
As President Biden's first year in office is marked with a rare press conference, there is speculation about how he can address his challenges without worsening them.
Avrum Rosensweig is described as embodying the role of a Rabbi through his actions and intentions rather than formal education.
The author reflects on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the loss of normalcy and loved ones.
The discussion focuses on Benjamin Netanyahu stepping down after 12 years in power and the impact of his tenure on Israelis and Jews worldwide, as the Bennett-Lapid government begins its term.
Judaism has a long tradition of embracing and celebrating argument and dissent.