Tag: Likud Party

Benny Gantz's departure from the coalition government has raised questions about the future of Israeli politics, particularly regarding the decisions to be made in the aftermath of the recent conflict and potential conflicts in Gaza and Lebanon.
Senator Chuck Schumer's recent speech addressing the Israel-Hamas conflict has sparked controversy and discussion.
Danny Danon, a prominent Israeli politician and former UN ambassador, discusses tensions between the US and Israel, emphasizing the importance of protecting Israel's interests and eradicating Hamas despite potential disagreements.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has chosen Ofir Akunis, a minister from his Likud party, as the next consul general in New York.
The text is a quiz with questions related to Jewish history, figures, and concepts.
This article discusses the complex politics surrounding Israel during times of war.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is facing increasing uncertainty about his political future following the security lapses that allowed Hamas to attack southern Israel on October 7.
Israel's Supreme Court has struck down a law passed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government that aimed to limit the power of the high court.
Israeli lawmakers from the ruling Likud party and the liberal opposition Yesh Atid party have authored an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal advocating for the permanent transfer of Palestinians out of Gaza as a supposed humanitarian solution.
Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen is facing criticism for his public statement about his meeting with his Libyan counterpart, which led to her sacking and fleeing the country due to death threats.
Enaam Mayara, the president of Morocco's House of Councillors, is hospitalized in Jordan, putting his historic visit to Israel in doubt.
Representatives from Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud party and Benny Gantz's National Unity party are reportedly in advanced negotiations for a possible compromise on the judicial overhaul in Israel.
A delegation of New York rabbis visiting Israel reflected on their mission and encountered the disdain of coalition leaders towards American Jewish views on the political crisis.
The recent Israeli election served as a referendum on the Netanyahu trial, with the majority of voters acquitting him and showing their frustration with the hollowing out of Israel's democracy by the administrative state.
In this podcast episode, Dan Meridor, a former Likud justice minister and deputy prime minister, discusses the potential consequences of the new Israeli government's plans to reform the country's judicial and legal system.
Dan Meridor, a former Likud justice minister and deputy prime minister, discusses the new Israeli government's plans to overhaul the judicial and legal system, raising concerns about the implications for Israeli democracy.
The author reflects on the current political situation in Israel, expressing concern over the formation of a coalition government led by a prime minister on trial for graft and abuse of public trust.
Benjamin Netanyahu has formed his sixth government in Israel, returning as prime minister with a right-wing coalition.
Israel is currently in a state of political crisis, with a broken political system and repeated elections causing chaos.
Amir Ohana, an openly gay Israeli Knesset member, shares a personal experience of attending synagogue with his partner and child.
The recent Israeli election has resulted in the rise of far-right, ultra-nationalist parties, which will have significant implications for Israel and its relationship with American Jews.
In this discussion, Haviv Rettig Gur, a leading political reporter at the Times of Israel, joins Jonathan Silver, the editor of Mosaic, to analyze Israel's upcoming election for the 25th Knesset.
In this podcast, Haviv Rettig Gur, the lead political reporter at the Times of Israel, discusses the upcoming Israeli elections and the current political landscape.
In a recent podcast episode, discussions revolved around the rise of far-right legislator Itamar Ben Gvir in Israeli elections, potential impacts of his ascension, and preparations for the upcoming election night broadcast.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Miriam Herschlag, and Noah Efron explore the recent primaries of the Labor and Likud parties in Israel, questioning if Labor can ever regain power and if Likud now solely revolves around Netanyahu.