Tag: Orthodox Judaism

Hayyim Rothman's book, "No Masters but God: Portraits of Anarcho-Judaism," explores the concept of anarcho-Judaism within the Orthodox Jewish tradition.
The Babylonian Talmud is a complex and fascinating work that lacks a complete and accessible history of its early development.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Eli Langer and Zevy Wolman, hosts of the Kosher Money podcast, discuss the issue of the high cost of living in Orthodox Jewish communities and how financial literacy can help.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, hosts Eli Langer and Zevy Wolman discuss financial literacy in the Orthodox Jewish community.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, the founder of Nishma Research, Mark Trencher, discusses the financial aspects of Orthodox Jewish life.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Mark Trencher, founder of Nishma Research, discusses the financial challenges faced by Orthodox Jewish individuals and families.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Shmuel Phillips discusses the benefits and drawbacks of approaching Judaism rationally.
Rabbi Joseph Karasick was a visionary leader who dedicated his life to strengthening Orthodox Judaism in the United States and globally.
This text discusses the life and accomplishments of Elimelech Gavriel (Mike) Tress, a key figure in the Agudah movement in America.
Rabbi Moshe Sherer was a key figure in the establishment and growth of Agudath Israel of America.
Moses Feuerstein was the president of the Orthodox Union from 1954 to 1966, a time when Orthodox Jewry in America faced many challenges.
Harold M. Jacobs was a pioneer in American Orthodox leadership, demonstrating that one can maintain a traditional religious lifestyle while actively representing Jewish interests in the secular world.
770 Eastern Parkway, the Brooklyn-based headquarters of the Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidic movement, has become an iconic and recognizable symbol of Jewish life worldwide.
"The Talmud's Red Fence" by Shai Secunda explores how Jews in Sasanian Persia compared their menstrual practices with their non-Jewish neighbors and how these comparisons may have influenced the laws of niddah (menstrual purity) in the Babylonian Talmud.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Alex Clare, a singer and baal teshuva, discusses his experience of changing identity and making life-changing choices.
In a letter responding to an article about Shadal, the translator/editor of Shadal on Leviticus asserts that Shadal did consider himself Orthodox, despite his disagreements with certain traditional practices.
In this episode of Unorthodox, Israeli actress Shira Haas, known for her roles in "Unorthodox" and "Shtisel," discusses learning English through TV watching, responding to criticism of "Unorthodox's" portrayal of Orthodox Judaism, and her upcoming role as Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir.
In this collection of letters, several topics pertaining to Judaism are discussed.
Samuel David Luzzatto, also known as Shadal, was a prominent Italian Jewish scholar in the 19th century.
Samuel David Luzzatto, also known as Shadal, was a prominent Italian Jewish scholar in the 19th century.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Rabbi Jacob J. Schacter discusses censorship in the context of Jewish history.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Rabbi Jacob J. Schacter discusses censorship in Jewish history.
In the "Letters" section of the Summer 21 issue, multiple readers express their thoughts on various topics.
The Orthodox Jewish community in America is diverse and segmented, with each faction having its own leaders and guidance tailored to their specific needs.
A recent analysis of crime data, court records, and interviews with individuals in New York's Borough Park neighborhood reveals a code of silence and a longstanding agreement between authorities and Orthodox leaders to handle domestic violence issues internally.