Tag: Orthodox Union

The Summer 2023 issue of Letters in the OU Kosher Centennial edition received positive feedback, with readers expressing appreciation for the detailed history of kashrus supervision and its significance.
FrumGPT, an Orthodox chatbot based on rabbinic tradition and developed by Eli Hochberg, asserts that women should not serve as rabbis in line with Orthodox belief and places emphasis on their traditional roles as wives and mothers.
Nathan K. Gross, also known as "Nator" or "Mr. Kashrut," played a crucial role in establishing kashrut certification in America.
When considering a move to a new Jewish community, it's important to not only focus on amenities like job opportunities, schools, and kosher food, but also to think about how you can contribute to the community.
Succession planning is crucial for Jewish organizations, yet many fail to prioritize it.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, the high cost of Jewish education is discussed.
The high cost of Jewish education is a pressing issue explored in this episode of the 18Forty Podcast.
In the first episode of Bonjour Chai's Sitdown series, Avi interviews Mark (Moishe) Bane, the former president of the Orthodox Union (OU), a significant umbrella organization of Orthodox congregations in North America famous for the "OU" kosher symbol.
A new report from environmental group Dayenu urges Jewish institutions in the U.S. to divest billions of dollars from the fossil fuel industry.
This article discusses the history and impact of the Orthodox Union's (OU) kosher certification program in the United States.
This article discusses the significant role that the Orthodox Union (OU) has played in revolutionizing kosher cuisine in the United States and securing the place of Orthodox Jewry in American society.
The article provides a timeline of significant milestones in the history of Orthodox Union (OU) Kosher.
"The OU Kosher: The Inside Story" is an article published by the Orthodox Union (OU) that provides an overview of their kosher certification process.
This article discusses the role of mashgichim (kosher supervisors) in ensuring that food establishments comply with kosher dietary laws.
Phyllis Koegel, the marketing director of OU Kosher, has been instrumental in bringing kosher certification to over 2,000 new brands and 250,000 new products over the past sixteen years.
Rabbi Moshe Perlmutter, a Rabbinic Field Representative for the OU, has a demanding job overseeing catering jobs, conducting inspections, and kosherizing factories and food facilities.
In this article, the author discusses the concept of legends in the kosher world.
Rabbi Alexander Rosenberg played a crucial role in the development of organized kashrut supervision in America.
This photo essay showcases a collection of ads from past and present Jewish publications, including the Orthodox Union (OU) National Convention program in 1927 and various issues of Jewish Life and Jewish Action magazines from the 1940s to the present day.
In this article, the Orthodox Union explores the future of food and its implications for Jewish dietary laws.
This article discusses the Orthodox Union's (OU) Kosher certification program and provides some facts and figures related to its operations.
Manischewitz wine, a staple during Jewish holidays, is made in a unique process known as Kosher Crush where all the wine for the year is produced in a single week.
The Baal Teshuvah movement, specifically the beginnings of NCSY (National Conference of Synagogue Youth), is discussed in this text.
In this heartfelt poem, a mother shares her experiences and challenges of raising a child with autism.
In this personal poem, the author, Chaya Rochel Leyton, describes the challenges and daily routine of being a mother to a child with autism.