Tag: Pennsylvania

In Pennsylvania's Senate race, Democratic incumbent Sen. Bob Casey and Jewish officials accuse Republican challenger David McCormick of profiting from investments in Rumble, an online platform known for amplifying far-right antisemitism.
Senator John Fetterman, a Pennsylvania Democrat, was honored at Yeshiva University for his staunch support of Israel, which he highlighted during his commencement address by removing a Harvard sash to protest the university's perceived lack of support for the Jewish community.
Despite initial hopes of Trump's departure, the former president remains a strong player in Republican primaries, with notable challenger Nikki Haley still drawing significant support.
In the summer of 1939 at Camp Tamiment, a predominantly Jewish resort, a Yiddish parody of Gilbert and Sullivan's 'The Mikado' was staged, featuring notable performers like Danny Kaye and Jerome Robbins.
Pennsylvania state Rep. Jared Solomon, a candidate for attorney general, has made the fight against antisemitism a central part of his platform, emphasizing his Jewish identity and commitment to combating hate crimes.
John Fetterman, the Pennsylvania Democratic senator, has garnered both support and criticism for his vocal backing of Israel amid the Israel-Hamas conflict.
Pennsylvania State Senator Doug Mastriano, a Christian nationalist, introduced a bill for Holocaust education in public schools alongside Rabbi Joseph Kolakowski, who has previously blamed Zionism for the Holocaust and has endorsed Mastriano's political campaigns.
Despite the ongoing war in Gaza and the surge in antisemitism in the US, President Joe Biden's support for Israel has boosted his standing among Pennsylvania's Jewish community, a key constituency in the state.
Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro commended Jewish University of Pennsylvania students for their role in the resignation of former President Liz Magill, following her controversial remarks about confronting anti-Semitism.
In his latest novel, "The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store," James McBride explores the complex history of Black-Jewish relations in America.
The author describes her experience attending a Taylor Swift concert with her 10-year-old son, who is a big fan of the singer.
This text is a personal account of a family's decision to leave New York City due to financial difficulties and their journey towards California.
Bhavini Patel, a Democratic councilwoman from Edgewood, Pennsylvania, is running for the state legislature to succeed outgoing state Rep. Summer Lee, emphasizing her personal story as a Pennsylvania native raised by a single immigrant mother.
The text discusses the recent senatorial debate in Pennsylvania which was described as a painful spectacle to watch, raising questions about whether voters can overlook John Fetterman's weaknesses.
Sight & Sound is known for its evangelical biblical productions but faced a unique challenge with Queen Esther as it lacks overt religious content.
The bronze statue of John F. Kennedy in Mckeesport, Pennsylvania has a Jewish-American story behind it.
Philadelphia Rep. Brendan Boyle, a devoted ally of Joe Biden, reached out to Biden shortly after the 2018 midterm elections, urging him to run for president.