Tag: Personal Growth

The author reflects on their 30 years of involvement in Jewish summer camps, emphasizing the importance of these camps as transformative spaces for young Jews to explore their identity and form deep connections within the community.
The author shares a personal story of her troubled teenage years and how one defining moment changed her life.
In Rabbi Mark Asher Goodman's article, he emphasizes the importance of being mentally prepared for the High Holidays to truly benefit from the synagogue services.
In this opinion piece, Gil Hoffman, the executive director of HonestReporting, discusses the firing of journalist Idris Muktar from CNN for his antisemitic tweets.
In this minisode of the 18Forty Podcast, the hosts express their gratitude to their community for their support and encouragement throughout the past year.
In this minisode of the 18Forty Podcast, the hosts express their gratitude for their community members who have encouraged them to ask deeper questions and to think more profoundly about what it means to be Jewish today.
This article explores the concept of vulnerability in Jewish life.
Shayna Goldberg's book "What Do You Really Want? Trust and Fear in Decision Making at Lifes Crossroads and in Everyday Living" analyzes the difficulties people face in making decisions today and provides practical guidance for making the best decisions based on trust rather than fear.
Avrum Rosensweig is a guest on the Not That Kind of Rabbi podcast, where he discusses his views on God, his personal journey towards and away from the concept of God, and the symbolic act of throwing out his yellow suede shoes.
The author reflects on his father's relationship with material possessions and his own struggle with materialism as a Jewish man.
The author reflects on the significance of Shabbat dinner in their childhood, which became less important after their father's death.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Miriam Gisser discusses her experience of rebuilding her life after her husband's death from a drug overdose.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Agnes Callard, a professor of philosophy, discusses the philosophy of change.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, philosopher Agnes Callard discusses the philosophy of change.
The author reflects on their love for pictures that depict an upgraded version of themselves, one that is smarter, more attractive, and more successful.
The author reflects on their youthful religious experiences in yeshiva and the misconception that those years are the pinnacle of religious growth.
In this text, Alan Morinis discusses the concept of Mussar, an ancient Jewish practice focusing on developing 13 soul traits through weekly introspection and improvement.
This essay recounts the author's experiences with their father and the strong desire he had for them to keep him company.
The text discusses Paul Saltzman's unique life journey, where he shares how after a difficult encounter with his father, he sought guidance from his soul, went through a breakup, and ultimately had a transformative experience meeting the Beatles at an ashram in India.
In this podcast episode, David introduces a discussion on why people join and leave religion and what we can learn from their decisions.
The text reflects on the challenging task of finding sense and order within the Talmud, suggesting that perhaps the value lies in grappling with complexity and ambiguity to uncover meaning.
Damhnait Doyle, a versatile musician, is transitioning from Celtic to pop music while maintaining her authentic voice.
Orthodox never-married women past childbearing age often face unique challenges, including social isolation, pressure to marry, and judgment from friends, family, and matchmakers.
This reflection captures a Jewish individual's childhood experiences living next to a neighbor with elaborate Christmas decorations, including a display of Santa and his reindeer.
The author discusses the symbolism of the four species used during Sukkot, traditionally representing different types of Jews and emphasizing the importance of individuality while being part of a unified community.