Tag: Personal Growth

In "Giving: The Essential Teaching of the Kabbalah," Rabbi Yehuda Lev Ashlag's insights are presented by Rabbi Avraham Mordechai Gottlieb, focusing on Kabbalistic aspects of giving and human perfection according to Torah.
Despite growing up in a liberal Jewish family with rabbis, the author rebelled against dating Jewish men until meeting her non-Jewish soulmate on a flight to Los Angeles.
Awe, as described by psychologist Abraham Maslow, is a profound feeling of happiness and well-being triggered by grand and sublime experiences, often associated with moral beauty and acts of kindness.
The video tells the inspiring story of a single mother who successfully created a blended family after her separation, and now empowers others to do the same.
In this piece, a young person recounts their experience at an Orthodox Jewish seminary during the COVID-19 pandemic quarantine.
In Chapter 8 of "On Call," the protagonist recounts their experience with Nadia, a fellow resident with a lackluster bedside manner despite being competent and efficient.
A Jewish person seeking advice in a column called A Bintel Brief describes running into exes at their synagogue, feeling uncomfortable sharing the space.
The article discusses the need for a "reset" in American Jewish life, highlighting the importance of honest conversations and self-assessment to adapt to changing needs and challenges.
The text describes personal anecdotes related to financial matters and the concept of bitachon, or trust in God.
In "Life, Loss and Legacy: A Mother-Daughter Love Story" by Lisa Lang, the author reflects on the impact of her mother's passing, her desire for children, and her journey of self-discovery.
The discussion in "The Elephant in the Therapy Room: The Conversation Continues" revolves around the age and life experience of therapists, particularly within the frum community.
The video explores how Sam Saltz, a college football player, balances his faith and sports by refraining from playing on Shabbat, leading to a deeper connection with God through his athletic pursuits.
The text discusses a crisis of leadership in politics, business, and religion, highlighting widespread distrust towards leaders.
Ross Kagan Marks reflects on the loss of his oldest friends, Josh Wex Wexler and David Fetch Fleisher, who were like brothers to him, sharing a strong bond through basketball and life experiences.
In this article, Meir Kaplan, a young man from a background where technology use is discouraged, seeks guidance from his rebbi, Yossie, to purchase a smartphone.
The text discusses various topics from Family First Inbox Issue 885.
Nomi Gutenmacher reflects on her son's journey from being drafted into the Israeli army, highlighting the emotional and physical transformations she witnessed in him.
Rachel Berlin Handloff, the executive director of 6 Points Specialty Camps, emphasizes the importance of Jewish summer camps for young adults amidst the rise in antisemitism.
The author reflects on their Jewish identity and experiences that have connected them to their Jewish community, such as blessing the Sabbath candles and attending a wedding under a pomegranate-laden chuppah.
Chana Falk is the founder of Keren Ohr, an organization that supports couples struggling with infertility.
In a special episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Jewish singer Lipa Schmeltzer shares his personal journey of mental health.
The author initially couldn't relate to a prayer about angels, but then learns an interpretation of the names of the angels as metaphors for how God manifests in our lives.
In this minisode of the 18Forty Podcast, the hosts express gratitude to their community for their support and participation throughout the year.
The author recounts her experience of initially opposing her daughter getting a tattoo due to their Jewish heritage and the historical association of tattoos with the Holocaust.
In this personal essay, the author reflects on their difficult relationship with their mother and their journey towards making peace with her.