Tag: Pro Palestinian Activists

The essay explores the theme of erasure in the context of Israeli-Palestinian relations, focusing on the misinterpretation of Golda Meir's 1976 comment about Palestinians not being a separate people until the mid-1960s.
In a series of letters to the editor, various authors discuss different aspects related to Jewish issues.
Jewish groups in Chicago are criticizing Alderman Rossana Rodriguez for her request for an anti-Zionist pediatrician on her personal Facebook page, with calls for her resignation due to discriminatory behavior.
The theater students at Dawson College in Montreal are inadvertently workshopping a controversial script called Vial during the pandemic, written by David Sklar, which explores themes of Zionism, campus politics, and free speech.
Meta’s Oversight Board is deliberating on whether the phrase "From the river to the sea" used by pro-Palestinian activists should be allowed on Facebook and Instagram.
Jewish groups are advocating for more decisive action to address antisemitism at Columbia University following clashes related to a pro-Palestinian encampment.
Tensions have escalated at UCLA between pro-Palestinian and pro-Israel groups, leading to violent clashes on campus.
Anika Arora Seth, the editor-in-chief of the Yale Daily News, found herself in the midst of covering the arrest of pro-Palestinian student protesters on her campus, highlighting the essential role student journalists play in such situations.
Jewish billionaire donor Robert Kraft announced he would stop supporting Columbia University following anti-Israel protests on campus, leading to safety concerns and all classes being moved online.
Amid anti-war protests at Columbia University, Jewish students received conflicting advice on whether to stay on campus during Passover.
Pro-Palestinian activists recently destroyed a century-old portrait of Arthur James Balfour in the U.K., citing the ongoing bloodshed of Palestinian people since the Balfour Declaration in 1917.
South Africans recently gathered at Johannesburg's airport to celebrate their legal team's participation in filing a suit with the International Court of Justice (ICJ) against Israel, alleging violations of the Genocide Convention in Gaza.
A group of progressive Jewish activists in Michigan are part of a campaign called MI Jews Uncommitted, aiming to pressure President Joe Biden on his support for Israel amid the conflict with Hamas in Gaza.
Australian Jews are on high alert after a list of Jewish creatives' personal information was published online by pro-Palestinian activists.
Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey, who is Jewish, vetoed a resolution endorsing a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war, calling it one-sided and divisive.
Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi suggested in an interview that Russia may be involved in pro-Palestinian activist movements encouraging politicians to support a permanent cease-fire in Gaza.
Pro-Palestinian activists in New Hampshire are urging voters to write in "ceasefire" on their ballots in the upcoming primary, as a way to send a message to President Joe Biden to press Israel into a ceasefire in its war with Hamas.
Recent social media posts have falsely claimed that the closure of New York Public Libraries on Sundays is due to funding cuts for Israel.
New York Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez faced criticism for her Christmas message comparing Jesus to Palestinians, which some argued invoked the historic charge that Jews killed Jesus.
Starbucks is being targeted by activists on both sides of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
During a recent Oakland City Council meeting discussing a resolution for a cease-fire in Gaza, a councilmember proposed condemning Hamas for the October 7 attacks on Israel.
Dr. Lara Kollab, who was fired by the Cleveland Clinic due to her history of anti-Semitic tweets, had a job offer withdrawn by Kern Medical Center in California after it was determined she provided false information during the interview process.