Tag: Pro Palestinian Protest

Pro-Palestinian activists claimed success in New York's Democratic primary by urging voters to submit blank ballots in protest against President Joe Biden's support for Israel, though the exact number of protest votes is uncertain.
A pro-Palestinian protest campaign in Wisconsin's Democratic primary garnered over 47,000 uninstructed votes, surpassing its goal of 20,000 votes.
In Teaneck, New Jersey, a predominantly Jewish community faced a pro-Palestinian protest targeting a fundraiser for the Israeli nonprofit ZAKA, known for dignifying the deceased in terror attacks.
Israel Nehemiah Musonda, a Pentacostal Christian, made headlines for praying at the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C., amid pro-Palestinian protests.
Israel studies professor Ron Hassner has concluded his two-week sit-in at UC Berkeley's office, satisfied with the commitments made by the university to address concerns regarding the safety of Jewish students on campus.
In Montclair, New Jersey, a diverse community with a history of inclusivity, tensions arise as protesters chant "We don't want no Zionists here," prompting comparisons to anti-Jewish sentiment.
Pro-Palestinian protesters demonstrated outside the opening ceremony of the National Holocaust Museum in Amsterdam due to the attendance of Israeli President Isaac Herzog.
Students at Hunter College, including Gideon Askowitz, have been facing increasing antisemitism on campus.
In the wake of a protest by pro-Palestinian artists at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco, the Jewish interim CEO Sara Fenske Bahat has resigned, citing antisemitism and feeling unsafe in the museum.
Pro-Palestinian protests last week exhibited stark contrasts: one involving a U.S. airman's shocking self-immolation outside the Israeli Embassy and another through a peaceful protest vote in Michigan's Democratic primaries.
Israeli reservist and advocate Ran Bar-Yoshafat's speech at University of California, Berkeley was canceled due to violent protests, leading to a clash between pro-Palestinian and pro-Israeli demonstrators.
Noemi Di Segni, the President of the Union of Italian Jewish Communities, has criticized pro-Palestinian activists for using a Primo Levi quote on a flyer promoting a protest in Milan.
Pro-Palestinian protesters led by Nerdeen Kiswani demonstrated outside the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, accusing the hospital of abetting genocide.
Temple Beth Am, the third-oldest Conservative synagogue in Los Angeles, has decided to relocate its Saturday afternoon Shabbat services due to safety concerns over a nearby pro-Palestinian protest.
Due to safety concerns related to a pro-Palestinian protest taking place across the street, congregants of Temple Beth Am in mid-city Los Angeles will be praying at a private home instead of their usual synagogue.
The text discusses recent events related to Zionism, including a confrontation between a pro-Palestinian protester and an individual at the Toronto Eaton Centre, and the mistaken killing of hostages by the IDF in Israel, prompting calls for re-evaluation and negotiations.
During an anti-Israel protest in New York City, at least two protesters displayed signs featuring swastikas.
Amidst the discourse surrounding the Israel-Hamas conflict, Jewish workers in the US are quitting their jobs in protest of their organizations' stance.
The death of Paul Kessler, a 69-year-old Jew, following a confrontation with anti-Israel protesters raises important warnings for the Jewish community.
The White House has condemned the increase in antisemitic rhetoric and hate crimes on college campuses, following incidents of pro-Palestinian protesters targeting Jewish students.
Clashes occurred between pro-Palestinian and pro-Israel protesters in Skokie, Illinois, resulting in two arrests and a man being beaten.