Tag: Pro Palestinian

Effys Café, a kosher establishment on the Upper West Side, was vandalized with anti-Israel graffiti in March 2024, leading to police investigating the incident as a hate crime.
Dr. Geoffrey Levin, Assistant Professor at Emory University, delves into his book "Our Palestine Problem: Israel and American Jewish Dissent, 1948-1978," which examines the early anti-Zionist and pro-Palestinian intellectuals who emerged after Israel's founding.
The article discusses the complexity of opinions within the Arab world regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, noting a divergence between official rhetoric and popular sentiment.
Twenty pro-Palestinian protesters affiliated with the anti-Zionist Jewish Voice for Peace were detained during demonstrations against pro-Israel lawmakers and the AIPAC lobby in New York City.
In a conversation with pro-Palestinians, the dialogue brings up the complexities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, touching on issues like ceasefires, civilian casualties, Hamas tactics, historical land claims, Palestinian refugees, and UNRWA's role.
The Golden Globes, known for being politically outspoken, is expected to address Israel and Gaza during this year's awards ceremony.
Despite a recent poll showing that a majority of young Americans view Israel's campaign against Hamas as genocidal and support calls for the genocide of Jews, there is still reason for optimism.
Actor Melissa Barrera lost her role in the Scream franchise for promoting an antisemitic trope accusing Jews of controlling the media.
Pro-Palestinian protesters disrupted a Shabbat dinner at the Somos conference in Puerto Rico, chanting anti-Israel slogans and engaging in antisemitic behavior.
Allison, Don, and Noah discuss the complexities surrounding Israel's newly elected President, Rubi Rivlin, who is seen as a mensch but opposes a two-state solution.
NYT reporter Ben Ehrenreich was detained by Israeli border police while on assignment but has since been released, confirmed by NYT Magazine editor Hugo Lindgren.
Pro-Palestinian student activists, particularly from the organization Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), are organizing their first national conference to enhance coordination and impact on college campuses regarding anti-Israel activities.