Tag: Pulitzer Prize

In his book "American Anarchy," Pulitzer Prize finalist Michael Willrich sheds light on the little-known Jewish lawyer Harry Weinberger, who championed civil liberties by defending prominent anarchists like Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman in the early 20th century.
Nathan Thrall, a Pulitzer Prize-winning author, wrote the book "A Day in the Life of Abed Salama," which offers a nuanced perspective on Palestinians living under Israeli occupation.
Columbias Hamilton Hall has been at the center of student protests multiple times, notably in 1968 and slated for 2024.
Palestinian journalists Hind Khoudary and Anadolu Agency photographer Ali Jadallah received a special Pulitzer citation for their coverage of the Gaza war, with a focus on the courageous work of journalists under difficult conditions and the significant number of journalists who lost their lives in the conflict.
The Forward has hired Susan Greene as their first full-time Israel correspondent in nearly seven years.
Lynsey Addario, an acclaimed photojournalist, discusses her role in documenting conflicts and crises around the world.
In this piece, the author expresses gratitude for the support of paid subscribers and shares a link to a 45-minute conversation with Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Bret Stephens.
This text is a discussion of Norman Mailer's life and career, focusing on his mayoral campaign and his transformation from a nice Jewish boy from Brooklyn to a self-styled outlaw.
Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Anne Applebaum discusses lessons for Israel from Poland and Hungary regarding democracy.
In this article, the author criticizes a review of his book by Allan Arkush, a chief at the pro-Israel thought police.
The premiere of "The Diary of Anne Frank" on Broadway in 1955 was different from any other opening night due to the emotional weight and significance of the play.
"In celebration of their Diamond Jubilee, the hosts of the Unholy podcast welcomed special guest Ira Glass, known for his groundbreaking work on 'This American Life'. Glass discusses his role in revolutionizing radio and addresses topics like journalistic integrity and his choice to pursue a non-traditional career path, much to the chagrin of his Jewish parents. The episode also touches on the Chutzpah of some individuals taking Bat Mitzvah themes too literally. Follow Unholy Podcast on social media for more updates."
In a discussion led by Miriam Herschlag, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron, they delve into three significant topics including Nakba Day's commemoration, Israel's embrace of high-tech innovation, and insights on the Netanyahu family.
In this podcast, Miriam Herschlag, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron discuss three topics of significance.
In this episode, journalist Soraya Nadia McDonald discusses her personal experience of being Black and Jewish, particularly in light of antisemitic remarks made by Nick Cannon.
Bret Stephens, a Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist for The New York Times, provides insights on geopolitics post-coronavirus.
Saul Bellow's eulogy for Bernard Malamud highlights their shared immigrant backgrounds and American experiences, despite differing literary success.
Jonathan Gold, a Pulitzer Prize-winning food critic, is known as L.A.'s top foodie for his unique approach to reviewing restaurants, especially focusing on off-the-beaten-track ethnic eateries.