Tag: Rafah

Ten Israeli soldiers were killed in separate incidents in Gaza, marking one of the deadliest days for the Israeli military.
In a recent episode of Israel GPS, hosts Yonit and Jonathan interviewed Fareed Zakaria, a renowned analyst and CNN host, to discuss the ongoing conflict in Israel, including international criticism following an air strike in Rafah and a call from The Hague to cease operations.
Israeli national security adviser Tzachi Hanegbi predicts that the conflict with Hamas in Gaza will continue until the end of the year, aiming for the destruction of Hamas' governing and military capabilities.
A Jewish columnist reflects on the emotional toll of supporting Israel's war efforts in the face of civilian casualties, particularly in the aftermath of a tragic incident in Rafah where many innocent Palestinians were killed in an Israeli airstrike targeting Hamas terrorists.
A viral meme advocating for attention on Rafah in the wake of Israeli strikes on a refugee camp near Rafah has sparked discussion online, with many questioning its effectiveness.
The text humorously questions the choice of 80-year-old Robert De Niro being brought by the Biden campaign to confront protesters in New York, jokingly suggesting he may be considered "young" by Biden's standards.
Israel has been facing legal battles alongside military conflicts, including a recent ruling by the International Court of Justice regarding Israel's actions in Rafah, Gaza.
Following a deadly Israeli strike in Rafah resulting in civilian casualties, some of Israel's staunch supporters, including influencers like Zoe Buckman and Avi Mayer, expressed horror and criticized the incident.
The article discusses the recent IDF airstrike in Rafah, Gaza, that resulted in the death of at least 45 civilians, leading to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu acknowledging it as a tragic mistake.
An Israeli Defense Forces strike in Rafah, targeting Hamas leaders, resulted in the deaths of dozens of people in a displaced persons camp.
In this podcast episode discussing Psalm 94, the focus is on the current situation in Israel and the perceived threat to its enemies not from Israel, but from the God of Israel as depicted in the text.
President Biden's recent actions regarding arms sales to Israel have raised questions about his stance on the country's defense.
President Joe Biden assured a Jewish gathering that the U.S. will provide Israel with necessary support to combat Hamas, rejecting claims of genocide against Israel at the International Court of Justice.
Allison Kaplan Sommer and Noah Efron discuss two significant topics focusing on Israel's incursion into Rafah and a new film about rape and sexual assault of Israeli women.
The text discusses the Biden administration's offer to trade Yahya Sinwar, a senior Hamas leader, for guarantees to keep Israeli military out of Rafah.
The video discusses the controversial decision surrounding whether the US and its allies should have been allowed to remain in Mosul while ISIS used civilians as human shields.
The article discusses the implications of an Israel-Hamas ceasefire, highlighting concerns about Hamas remaining in power and posing threats to both Palestinians and Israelis.
President Biden paused a shipment of 3,500 bombs to Israel on May 7, just as the IDF mobilized into Rafah, sparking criticism from Israelis and Zionists globally.
Michael Oren discusses concerns about the strength of the alliance between the United States and Israel under the Biden administration.
Senator Chris Coons defended President Joe Biden's warning to withhold offensive weapons from Israel if they launch a full-scale assault on Rafah.
The text describes U.S. President Joe Biden's withholding of military aid from Israel during a conflict with Hamas in 2023, citing differences in military strategy and suggesting potential reasons for Biden's actions.
Yonit and Jonathan discuss strained US-Israel relations as Joe Biden delays arms shipment, bringing up concerns about a new low in their alliance.
Rabbi and scholar Shlomo Brody discusses Jewish military ethics, particularly focusing on the ethics of fighting in war as seen through the Jewish tradition and the Israeli military's historical experience, in his new volume on the subject titled Ethics of Our Fighters.
U.S. President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu have faced criticism for their seemingly contradictory statements regarding Israel's actions against Hamas, with Biden initially expressing support for Israel's goals and later suggesting a lack of support for offensive actions in certain areas.
Neri Zilber and Amos Harel discuss the Israel-Hamas war, including the limited Israeli ground incursion into Rafah, Hamas' reaction to ceasefire-for-hostage proposals, and the situation on the northern border with Lebanon.