Tag: Religion

Prof. Ute Deichmann discusses the early Israeli-German scientific exchanges and their role in paving the way for normalization of diplomatic relations between the two countries, shedding light on this lesser-known aspect of history.
The text discusses the evolution of ideas on religion, atheism, and postmodernism, particularly through the analysis of Terry Eagleton's book "Culture and the Death of God."
A couple shares their journey of evolving their Purim tradition from giving out simple mishloach manot to creating a humorous Purim newsletter over the years.
The article discusses Hollywood's approach to religious-themed movies, noting upcoming releases like "Noah," "Son of God," and "Exodus."
"TanakhCast: The Mortgage Backed Securities Edition" is a podcast that delves into the Tanakh, exploring and discussing four chapters every two weeks from Genesis to 2 Chronicles.
The text discusses various aspects of Jewish observance and identity.
The Pew Research Center's study, "A Portrait of Jewish Americans," highlights a significant trend where a growing number of American Jews, particularly among those born since 1980, identify as Jews of no religion.
In "Where Wisdom Begins," the discussion centers on the role of religion in modern society by challenging the idea that secularism alone can solve societal challenges.
The text is a humorous and satirical plea to God from individuals lamenting about the challenges and frustrations of dealing with difficult mothers and the complexities of mother-child relationships.
The author reflects on the religious experience he feels while watching sports, particularly soccer, drawing parallels between sports events and miracles in the context of religious stories.