Tag: Religious Beliefs

In the Blaze Bernstein murder trial, the mother of the accused, Samuel Woodward, testified about his troubled childhood, detailing his struggles with fitting in, undiagnosed autism, and family dynamics.
A family is torn over the decision to scatter a mother's ashes in Israel, with the father insisting on the plan despite objections from the adult child due to safety concerns and political disagreements.
In "Where Have All the Democrats Gone?" by John Judis and Ruy Texeira, the authors critique the Democratic Party's approach of potentially ignoring working-class white voters, suggesting that Joe Biden's unpopularity and policy issues might impact the party.
The National Jewish Identity Survey conducted in the UK reveals a varied landscape of Jewish practice and beliefs, with only a third of UK Jews adhering strictly to the biblical description of God.
The book "Judaisms Challenge: Election, Divine Love, and Human Enmity" edited by Alon Goshen-Gottstein explores the question of how Jews should confront non-Jewish religions.
The debate surrounding Torah u-Madda, the idea that Torah and secular studies can enhance each other, is the topic of a symposium presented by Lehrhaus.
The author reflects on his journey from a devout Mormon upbringing to questioning his faith as he delves into different religious experiences alongside his wife R. Despite being raised in Mormonism, they explore Judaism, attending a Passover Seder and embracing Jewish rituals like wearing a tallit.
The poem "Conjoined Twins" by Yehoshua November reflects on the author's father's experience as a resident in a hospital when his young mother gave birth to conjoined twins with one heart.
The writer reflects on their journey from being an atheist with a lingering belief in God to facing the paradox after reading Christopher Hitchens' book.