Tag: Religious Zionist

The article discusses the relationship between the holiday of Purim and the concept of Jewish sovereignty, highlighting differing viewpoints on the importance and limitations of having a Jewish state.
In this essay by Rabbi Scott Kahn, he warns that some sectors of the Religious Zionist world are moving in a dangerous direction that distorts important Torah ideas.
The author discusses her experience as a parent in Israel, where she and her husband had to choose a specific religious community for their children to be a part of.
The author discusses a recent event held in Jerusalem advocating for the resettlement of Gaza, attended by right-wing Religious Zionist supporters and government ministers.
The Gaza war has led to a significant increase in antisemitic incidents worldwide.
Rav Shlomo Yosef Zevin, a prominent rabbinic authority, wrote a letter about whether yeshiva students should be drafted into the army.
The text discusses a positive story on NBC Nightly News about Yeshivat HaHesder Yerucham, a program that combines Torah studies with military service for Religious Zionist students.
Rabbi David Stav, a leading liberal Religious Zionist rabbi in Israel, believes that the Oct. 7 attack by Hamas and the ensuing war have led many secular Israelis to reconnect with Judaism and find solidarity in their religion.
The author discusses the importance of books in Jewish life and how the Charedi community has dominated the publishing field for many years, particularly through ArtScroll.
The author reflects on the current political situation in Israel, expressing concern over the formation of a coalition government led by a prime minister on trial for graft and abuse of public trust.
"Bible Dynamics: Contemporary Torah Commentary" is a multi-volume work by Dr. Pinchas Polonsky, a Jewish scholar and educator.
Rabbi Eliezer Melamed, author of the Peninei Halakha series, has faced criticism from some rabbinic circles in recent months.
The hesped (funeral eulogy) for Rav Yehuda Herzl Henkin highlights his greatness as a rabbi and posek (halakhic decisor) in the Jewish world.
The text explores a dilemma faced by a family moving to Israel before their son's bar mitzvah, leading to a halakhic query about which Torah portion the boy should read on his birthday.
Rabbi Shlomo Riskin reviewed Rabbi Jonathan Sacks' book "Not in God's Name: Confronting Religious Violence," highlighting a perceived belief in Jewish powerlessness that Rabbi Sacks refutes.
Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein was a prominent figure in the Jewish world, born in 1933 in Paris and later moving to the United States to study under renowned rabbis such as Yitzchok Hutner and Yosef Dov Soloveitchik.
Eliaz Cohen, an Israeli poet and Religious Zionist living in the West Bank, addresses the challenge faced by settler-artists in his work.