Tag: Roman Empire

Exploring the historical reasons behind why modern-day Israel was previously called Palestine and its inhabitants referred to as Palestinians, including Jews.
Exploring the origins and significance of the name "Israel" throughout history, particularly focusing on its importance to Jewish people.
In this article, the author explores the historical context of Jewish suffering and persecution in Alexandria and Judea during the early Common Era, highlighting the similarities between the experiences of Jews in both regions.
A Jewish author, Rachel Beanland, had a talk at a JCC in Florida canceled because her novel mentions slavery, which goes against new state laws limiting discussions on race in schools.
The concept known as the "Seneca effect" suggests that collapse or ruin happens rapidly and unpredictably, while growth is slow.
"The Fate of Rome" by Kyle Harper examines how the Roman Empire thrived yet ultimately fell due to the impact of a devastating plague.
The text discusses the historical fear of Jews replacing existing power structures, focusing on Berenice's potential influence on Roman Emperor Titus and the subsequent concerns of Jewish ascendance.
The discussion in Tractate Avoda Zara of the Talmud delves into the regulation of Jewish relationships with non-Jews, with a focus on how Jews should navigate interactions with gentiles.
Paul Valéry's poem "La Jeune Parque" or "The Young Fate" from 1917 remains enigmatic even a century later, showcasing Valéry as the last of the Symbolists with a dedication to poetic innovation amidst the crisis of verse at the end of the 19th century.