Tag: Shabbat

The text provides a list of recommended children's books for different age groups, ranging from picture books for very young readers introducing Yiddish words and Shabbat themes to chapter books for middle-grade and young adult readers dealing with diverse Jewish protagonists and historical events.
The text explores the role of Sabbath Enforcers, known as Shomrei Shabbos, who historically aimed to protect Shabbat observance, particularly during times when urbanization and modern life posed challenges to traditional observance.
Tel Aviv's Religious Council is cautioning against buying shofars made in China or Morocco due to concerns about the use of pig fat in Chinese shofars and polyester glue in Moroccan ones, which could make them halachically unacceptable.
As Orthodox Jews are traveling to diverse destinations, they face challenges like praying on a plane or dealing with the International Date Line.
Devorah and Gavriel Snyder, a unique Orthodox Jewish couple living in remote Kila, Montana, offer kosher food and Shabbat hospitality in their self-built homestead to frum hikers and visitors, as they are possibly the only Orthodox Jews in the state.