Tag: Shabbat

Eric Adams, the incoming mayor of New York City, has rescheduled his inauguration ceremony from noon on Saturday, January 1st to the evening after Shabbat ends.
Carly Pildis shares a recipe for a one-pan apples and honey chicken dish that is perfect for when you forget about a holiday meal.
The author discusses the issue of liturgical repetition in Jewish prayer services.
Rabbi Mordechai Kuber has written a comprehensive three-volume guide called "Crossing the Dateline" to help observant Jews navigate the halachic dateline when traveling to the Far East.
The article discusses the transformative power of Jewish summer camps in shaping the Jewish identity of young campers.
The hit Australian series "A Place to Call Home" features a complex character, Sarah Nordmann, who converts to Judaism and faces anti-Semitism in post-Holocaust Australia.
In this article, Aryeh Klapper discusses the topic of new gezeirot (rabbinic decrees) in the context of changing circumstances and technological advancements.
Roberta Rosenthal Kwall's book, "Remix Judaism: Preserving Tradition in a Diverse World," explores the phenomenon of remixing Judaism, where individuals and families choose which Jewish rituals and traditions to observe and adapt them to their own sensibilities.
The bronze statue of John F. Kennedy in Mckeesport, Pennsylvania has a Jewish-American story behind it.
The article explores the idea of Shabbat as a taste of the world to come, focusing on the first Shabbat observed by the Israelites.
The author discusses the role of young children in the Orthodox synagogue in the post-COVID era.
In episode 259 of the Unorthodox podcast, hosts interview Jamie Stelter and Brian Stelter, who discuss their experiences of filming their TV appearances from their apartment during the pandemic, their involvement in Challah Club, and their love for Shabbat.
In this personal essay, Carly Pildis reflects on the feelings of loneliness and alienation that many Jews experience during the Christmas season.
The author discusses the idea of streamlining High Holidays services in American Modern Orthodox congregations.
The author reflects on the comfort and joy that stuffed cabbage brings to her during the holiday season, particularly during Sukkot.
In this article, Carly Pildis reflects on the challenges and bitterness surrounding Rosh Hashanah due to the current circumstances.
The Jewish Food Society, founded by Naama Shefi in 2017, is dedicated to preserving and revitalizing Jewish culinary heritage.
This text is a personal reflection on the author's last conversation with Rav Amital, a prominent Jewish religious leader.
In this personal reflection, the author discusses the importance of incorporating play and board games into their Shabbat observance.
The author describes their experience returning to synagogue for a prayer service during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The article provides a selection of Jewish-themed books about summer camp for kids of different ages.
The author recounts their experience of attempting to make challah bread during the pandemic.
The Conservative/Masorti movement of Judaism has approved the use of livestreaming during Shabbat and holidays.
The author reflects on her family's varied Jewish traditions and how they rediscovered Shabbat during the COVID-19 pandemic.
During the current pandemic, with routines disrupted and days feeling monotonous, the Jewish tradition offers insights on recognizing Shabbat, as discussed by Gabriel Greenberg.