Tag: Social Isolation

Dorot, a Jewish nonprofit in NYC, known for alleviating loneliness among seniors, faced financial challenges post-COVID despite a temporary revenue spike in 2021 due to pandemic relief funds.
In addressing the growing issue of social isolation and loneliness highlighted by Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, the Jewish community can draw on the wisdom of Hillel's teaching to not separate oneself from the community.
Israeli students studying at American campuses, including prestigious institutions like Columbia University and Harvard, have reported facing a toxic and hostile environment marked by anti-Israel sentiment, criticism, and marginalization following Israel's conflict with Hamas in Gaza.
The discussion explores the theme of loneliness, empathy, and unity in the context of the Talmudic story of Choni and the weekly Torah portion Metzora.
The article discusses the role of Chabad in harnessing technology for positive purposes in the Jewish community.
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted Hebrew schools, leading to changes in teaching approaches, smaller classes, and shorter virtual sessions.
Last year, many people had to celebrate Pesach (Passover) in a different way due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Israeli folk dancing has gone global during the COVID-19 pandemic as dancers from all over the world come together virtually on Zoom.
The COVID-19 pandemic has raised ethical questions about how to practice Judaism and care for vulnerable populations.
The article explores the impact of COVID-19 on mental health and discusses Halakhic approaches to mental illness in light of the pandemic.
In this heartfelt personal reflection, the author describes his experience of sitting shiva for his father via Zoom during the pandemic.
During the coronavirus outbreak when social isolation is critical, domestic violence victims may find themselves in increased danger while quarantined with their abusers.
Orthodox never-married women past childbearing age often face unique challenges, including social isolation, pressure to marry, and judgment from friends, family, and matchmakers.
Orthodox never-married women past childbearing age face unique challenges in the quest to find a mate, encountering social isolation, pressure, and judgment from well-meaning individuals.