Tag: Super Bowl

The Foundation to Combat Antisemitism aired a 30-second ad during the Super Bowl titled "Silence," featuring Clarence B. Jones, the longtime advisor and speechwriter for Martin Luther King Jr.
A message from the Israeli government about Israeli dads held captive by Hamas was watched by millions during the Super Bowl.
Super Bowl ads addressing serious topics like antisemitism, Jesus, and Israeli hostages were generally unsuccessful because they came across as sanctimonious and moralizing.
The text discusses various topics, including opinions on RFK Jr.'s Super Bowl ad, the Super Bowl game, Biden's attempt to stay in the news, polling of the Squad, and statements made by Trump about NATO and Nikki Haley's husband.
Robert Kraft's Foundation to Combat Antisemitism will air an ad during Super Bowl LVIII featuring Clarence Jones, the former lawyer and advisor to Martin Luther King, Jr. and the speechwriter of King's "I Have A Dream" speech.
Clarence B. Jones, a speechwriter and attorney for Martin Luther King Jr., will be featured in a Super Bowl ad sponsored by the Robert Kraft Foundation to Combat Anti-Semitism.
Robert Kraft's Foundation to Combat Antisemitism will run a 30-second ad during Super Bowl LVIII, marking the first time a Super Bowl ad will focus on antisemitism.
A podcast discusses three additional incidents where American missiles shot down unidentified flying objects, raising questions about whether it is worse if the government knew about these incidents and is now lying, or if it knew nothing and is struggling to understand.
The Torah does not explicitly address betting on the Super Bowl, but many rabbis disapprove of gambling, citing Talmudic teachings that frown upon it, though recreational betting may be viewed differently than professional gambling.
The He Gets Us campaign, a nondenominational Christian campaign, is running two ads during the Super Bowl in an attempt to make Jesus relatable to modern-day Americans.
The podcast crew discusses the lackluster commercials at a recent Super Bowl and questions if we can still find enjoyment amidst ongoing public health restrictions related to COVID-19.
The author reflects on the role of chain-movers in the Super Bowl and compares them to the unsung heroes in Jewish communities.
In this interview, Josh Kraft, a community leader and philanthropist who heads the Kraft family philanthropic efforts, talks about the "[tbh]" initiative.
The article highlights the significant impact of the American Football League (AFL), which despite disappearing over 40 years ago, played a vital role in shaping the NFL as it is known today.