Tag: Tablet Magazine

Tablet Magazine has released a list of the 100 Most Jewish Foods, now available as a book, focusing on dishes with deep Jewish cultural significance rather than just popularity or taste.
Hanukkah celebrations in America often revolve around the classic potato latkes, although historically, latkes were made with cheese rather than potatoes.
The author issued an apology for a previous article on Harvey Weinstein, acknowledging it was rushed and uninformed, especially in light of further damning revelations.
In episode 106 of the podcast "I'm Sorry," the theme is atonement.
Unorthodox, a podcast celebrating its two-year anniversary and 100 episodes, launches a fundraising campaign offering various gifts to supporters.
Mark Oppenheimer, host of Unorthodox, has raised the question of the word "Jew" versus "Jewish" in a recent op-ed for The New York Times, highlighting the debate over whether "Jew" is still viewed as a slur or if it should be reclaimed.
In episode 58 of New England Prep, recorded at the JCC of Greater New Haven, Connecticut Lt. Gov. Nancy Wyman discusses her role as Lieutenant Governor, her journey from Brooklyn to New England, her thoughts on running for governor, and her opinions on Donald Trump.
In a live episode of Unorthodox from Washington DC, Jewish food expert Joan Nathan discusses Yemenite chicken soup, Libyan Jewish cuisine, and her experiences with chefs and visiting the White House.
In episode 15 of "On a Mission," the podcast Unorthodox features editor-in-chief Alana Newhouse discussing Tablet's new print magazine and sharing insights from its upcoming issue.
The editors of Tablet Magazine have launched a new podcast, offering listeners an initial opportunity to explore their latest audio content.
"Man Is Not Alone" by Abraham Joshua Heschel, published in 1951, presents faith as a profound connection akin to the intimacy between lovers, where one replaces oneself with God to reveal inner truths.
Vanessa Davis' book "Make Me a Woman" features comic strips originally seen in Tablet Magazine, examining aspects of Jewish identity and daily life.
The author reflects on his time at Tablet Magazine and his journey in learning about Jewish culture while writing for The Scroll.
Pete Wells of The New York Times awarded two out of four stars to Hill Country, a Chelsea barbecue restaurant owned by Marc Glosserman, the cousin of the author.
Vanessa Davis's latest book, Make Me a Woman, features comic strips that were originally published in Tablet Magazine, while her first collection of diary comics, Spaniel Rage, was released in 2005.
Vanessa Davis' latest book, "Make Me a Woman," features comic strips originally seen in Tablet Magazine, while her first collection of diary comics, "Spaniel Rage," was released in 2005.
The article explores the idea of how one's favorite Jewish children's book reflects aspects of their personality.
In Tablet Magazine, Sarah Marcus discusses the Mountain Jews living in Azerbaijan who ensure they always have a minyan.
Phrenology, a pseudo-science popular in the past, claimed that personality traits could be determined by the bumps on a person's head.
The article from Tablet Magazine delves into the theme of children in Jewish tradition, drawing parallels between the barren woman seeking fertility and the people of Israel awaiting redemption.