Tag: Terrorism

In this article, Aryeh Klapper revisits Rav Shaul Yisraeli's analysis of civilian casualties in the context of halakhah (Jewish law) and ethics.
Shachar Dor, a Gazan-born man who converted to Judaism and now lives in Israel, was not surprised by Hamas's deadly attack on October 7.
In this article, the author reflects on the current state of global affairs, specifically highlighting the recent conflict in Israel, the rise of anti-Semitism, and the ignorance of some individuals regarding history and reality.
The author addresses the issue of religion being used as a justification for violence, specifically in relation to the events perpetrated by Hamas.
Terrorism expert David Hofmann, who has researched extremist hate groups in Canada, believes that a young Ottawa teenager charged with terrorism was likely radicalized online by Hamas propaganda following an October 7 terrorist attack on Israel.
In October 2021, Hamas carried out a massacre that claimed the lives of over 1,200 Israelis.
In this article, three alumni of the Israeli Bronfman program reflect on their experiences during the ongoing war and its impact on their lives.
The recent increase in antisemitic acts in France, in response to the conflict between Israel and Hamas, has sparked concerns about the potential for an intifada, or uprising, in the country.
This text discusses the blame placed on Israel in the context of the recent conflict with Hamas in Gaza.
In recent congressional testimony, presidents from Harvard, MIT, and UPenn refused to denounce terrorism or clarify whether calls for the genocide of Jews constitute harassment.
AJC (American Jewish Committee) has spoken with their global experts to discuss the surge of antisemitism following the October 7 Hamas attack on Israelis.
The author reflects on their experience in a progressive school and criticizes the moral relativism and pacifism that was promoted.
Toronto businessman Evan Kosiner complained to the CBC's ombudsman about the news organization's reluctance to label the Oct. 7 Hamas attack as terrorism instead of referring to Hamas as militants.
The author discusses the lack of empathy and skepticism faced by Israeli women who were raped and widowed by Hamas during a terror attack.
A recent article discusses the presence of antisemitism within the medical profession in the context of the recent Hamas attack on Israel.
The text discusses the complexity of engaging in war, highlighting that while warfare may be necessary at times, it is still considered sinful.
The text describes the harrowing experience of being an Israeli during a war with Hamas.
Brandeis University recently decided to remove recognition of its campus chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) due to the group's support for terrorism.
In the wake of the October 7th massacre, both center-left leaders in Germany and top American Republicans are calling for the deportation of foreign nationals who support groups like Hamas.
The question of whether or not to condemn Hamas has become controversial within the pro-Palestine movement.
The author, a Persian Jew who fled Iran due to the oppressive regime, emphasizes the importance of listening to Jews who have experienced persecution and understand the dangers facing the world today.
The Jewish community in South Africa is concerned about the government's support for Hamas following the terrorist group's attack on Israel.
The article features personal accounts from three young Israelis about their experiences during the recent war in Israel.
This article discusses the concept of "root causes" in relation to acts of terrorism and the perception of Israel in the global community.
The article discusses the impact of Hamas terrorists' attack on Israel on foreign nationals, particularly Asian workers, who were killed, kidnapped, or held hostage.