Tag: Terrorist Attack

Miriam Neumark Shalev, head of the Tziporit military bases chevra kadisha unit for women, discusses the work of the IDF chevra kadishas womens unit in preparing fallen female soldiers for Jewish burial, especially in the wake of the October 7 Hamas terrorist attack.
The Maalot Massacre that took place 50 years ago continues to haunt communities in Tzfat and Maalot, with various memorials and places bearing witness to the tragedy where 28 Israelis, including 22 students from a Tzfat high school, lost their lives.
The YouTube video highlights Lahav Deri and his brothers' survival of the Nova Massacre during Hamas' invasion of Israel, showcasing their determination to fight back against terrorists in the country's south.
Future of Jewish is a newsletter covering Judaism and Israel, aiming to educate readers about the Jewish world.
The podcast discusses the recent terrorist attack in Russia and its implications for the war in Ukraine, alongside the impact of the chaos in Congress on the same conflict.
A recent attack at a West Bank gas station carried out by a Palestinian gunman, suspected to be a Palestinian police officer, resulted in the deaths of two Israelis, including a 17-year-old boy.
In a response to Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove's suggestions for talking about Israel with those holding different views, Diane Shane Fruchtman critiques the assumptions underlying the proposed questions as patronizing and ungenerous.
The text discusses the urgency of implementing the recommendations from Sir William Shawcross' Independent Review of Prevent, a significant report on counter-extremism efforts published by the Home Office in February 2023.
Adi Vital-Kaploun, a Canadian scientist, was tragically murdered by Hamas while protecting her young sons in their safe room.
In 1948, a terrorist bombing targeted The Palestine Post newsroom, soon to become The Jerusalem Post, as Israel neared independence.
The author discusses the difficulty in proving cases of sexual assault, particularly in the context of the recent terrorist attack in Israel.
The Bachar family's home on Kibbutz Beeri was attacked by Hamas terrorists, resulting in the death of Dana and Carmel Bachar.
Canada's ambassador to Israel, Lisa Stadelbauer, has offered assistance to Israeli law enforcement in investigating reports of systematic sexual violence against women and girls by Hamas during and after a recent terrorist attack.
In this week's Antisemitism Monitor, various instances of antisemitism are highlighted.
The author expresses anger at Israel's failures to anticipate a massacre by Hamas, react quickly, and prioritize security.
This article discusses the double standard faced by Jewish women when it comes to addressing sexual violence.
This article discusses Israel's intelligence failure in the face of a massive Hamas terrorist attack in Gaza.
President Joe Biden has an opportunity to transform the recent tragedy in Israel, caused by a brutal terrorist attack by Hamas, into a diplomatic opportunity.
President Biden's recent speech on the terrorist attack on Israel failed to mention Iran, the chief sponsor and funder of Hamas.
The eyewitness account describes the horrifying attack on the Supernova music festival in Israel.
This article provides a brief overview of recent events in Israel and suggests that the United States, under the Biden administration, has played a significant role in creating the conditions that led to the recent Hamas attack.
The authors discuss the recent violent events in Israel, including a deadly terrorist attack at a synagogue, and the political atmosphere surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
A shooting near the Seitenstettengasse synagogue in Vienna has resulted in at least one fatality and multiple injuries.
The wedding of Sarah Tehiya Litman and Ariel Beigel became a symbol of resilience and unity in the face of tragedy and terrorism.
"God, Israel, & Shiloh: Returning to the Land" by David Rubin recounts his harrowing experience of being shot at with his young son in Shiloh, a Jewish community with a rich historical and biblical significance.