Tag: Torah Education

Charedi campaigners in Westminster protested against potential government regulation of their education system, expressing concerns about cultural genocide and unwanted state interference.
FrumGPT, an Orthodox chatbot based on rabbinic tradition and developed by Eli Hochberg, asserts that women should not serve as rabbis in line with Orthodox belief and places emphasis on their traditional roles as wives and mothers.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, the high cost of Jewish education is discussed.
The high cost of Jewish education is a pressing issue explored in this episode of the 18Forty Podcast.
Rabbi Gideon Black reflects on his experience working with Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks and emphasizes the important role played by Lady Elaine Sacks in supporting her husband's work.
The author reflects on the role of fathers in raising young children by examining the biblical and Talmudic sources.
Studying Tanakh from a young age provides a foundation in Jewish history and context for connecting to Jewish practice, with many baalei teshuva embarking on a journey of self-discovery through Tanakh study at different stages of life.
Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein discusses the future of American Orthodoxy, highlighting the need to focus on internal challenges such as defections and the lack of strong leadership, as well as the importance of spiritual and moral growth within the community.
Rabbi Natan Gamedze, a linguist and grandson of a former king of Swaziland, embarked on a journey from prince to rabbi after encountering Judaism in college.