Tag: Turkey

The author reflects on concerns about traveling as a visibly Jewish family to destinations where anti-Semitism may be prevalent, such as Istanbul, due to recent political tensions and global anti-Semitic sentiments.
Israel has been supplying weapons to Azerbaijan, contributing to its military actions against the Armenian enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's strong support for Hamas manifests in public rhetoric and diplomatic spats with Israel, but scholars suggest a more nuanced reality.
An Israeli soccer player, Sagiv Jehezkel, playing for a Turkish club, was detained and suspended from his team after displaying a message on his wrist marking 100 days since Oct. 7.
The recent meetings between Israeli and Turkish leaders had suggested a possible improvement in their strained relations, potentially leading to a stronger alliance against Iran.
This text provides a roundup of different Thanksgiving turkey recipes.
An Israeli man has been freed by Turkey after being held in custody for over a month on suspicion of attempting to smuggle a historical artifact out of the country.
In this episode, journalist Neri Zilber and policy advisors Michael Koplow and Shira Efron discuss recent events across the Middle East.
IsraAid, a relief organization, has sent a team to Turkey following a deadly earthquake.
In a recent podcast, the discussion included Joe Biden's decision to extend the emergency provision allowing the suspension of college loan payments, the revelation that the shooter in Colorado Springs is non-binary, and a reflection on Americans' genuine sentiments towards turkey as Thanksgiving approaches.
In this podcast episode, Michael Doran discusses the strategic importance of Azerbaijan.
Julius Rogenhofer from the University of Cambridge analyzes how populist movements have influenced the erosion of democracy in Turkey, India, and Israel.
Julius Rogenhofer from the University of Cambridge examines how nationalist-populist movements have impacted various countries, including Turkey, India, and Israel, each influenced by their unique social, ethnic, and religious divisions.
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan of Turkey recently criticized President Emmanuel Macron of France, stating that Macron needs mental treatment due to his policies against Islamist separatism.
The author argues that Turkey, under President Erdogan, is becoming a threat to Europe and the wider Mediterranean region.
Rabbi Mendy Chitrik embarked on a 3000-mile journey across Anatolia, Turkey, this summer to inspect nearly 300 kosher factories, which produce various kosher products like milk powder and dried fruit.
In the Eastern Mediterranean, tensions are rising as Turkey and Greece argue over natural gas resources.
Pulkies Jewish-style BBQ is a new deli that offers traditional dishes like borscht and charoset, updated for the modern palate.
Israel has long adhered to the Begin Doctrine, which aims to prevent its enemies from acquiring weapons of mass destruction, as seen when Israel destroyed nuclear facilities in Iraq and Syria.
Evan Gottesman and Eli Kowaz explore the upcoming political transition in Israel as Benjamin Netanyahu prepares to relinquish his mandate to form a government, leading to a period of uncertainty.
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's surprise visit to Oman in 2018 marked an important step in Israel's foreign relations strategy.
Jewish involvement and support for recognition of the Armenian Genocide is deeply rooted, with figures like Henry Morgenthau, Sr., Franz Werfel, and Raphael Lemkin playing pivotal roles in documenting and condemning the atrocities.
The article discusses the Kurdish people's historical oppression, their swift territorial gains in Iraq amidst ISIS advances in 2014, and the potential for an independent Kurdish state.
The text discusses President Obama's evolving Middle East strategy, highlighting a shift towards building a partnership with Iran despite opposition from traditional allies like Israel and Saudi Arabia.
John Brennan, President Obama's counterterrorism advisor, has suggested reaching out to "moderate elements" within Hezbollah, a move consistent with the administration's approach to engaging with Muslim extremists rather than moderates.