Tag: White Supremacists

The text discusses the perception of a decline in the status of Jewish people in the United States, emphasizing that the increase in antisemitism is not the primary cause.
White supremacist activity targeting Jews has increased since the Israel-Hamas war outbreak, with incidents like antisemitic remarks at an Evanston city council meeting illustrating a concerning trend.
Ben Stern, a Holocaust survivor who faced unimaginable horrors in his youth, passed away at 102 in Berkeley, California.
This text highlights the rise of antisemitism disguised as criticism of Israel in left-wing and progressive circles.
In this text, the author discusses the daunting task of combating anti-Semitism.
The article discusses concerns about the presence of white supremacists on the Substack platform.
In his book "The Identity Trap: A Story of Ideas and Power in Our Time," Yascha Mounk explores the intellectual history behind the rise of identity politics and wokeness.
In his book, "The Identity Trap: A Story of Ideas and Power in Our Time," Yascha Mounk explores the intellectual history behind the rise of identity politics or "wokeness."
Elon Musk has threatened to sue the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) for up to $22 billion, accusing the Jewish group of causing a 60% drop in advertising revenue on the platform he owns, X (formerly Twitter).
Under Elon Musk's leadership, Twitter has reinstated numerous accounts that were previously banned for violating Twitter's rules, including accounts of white supremacists and far-right figures promoting hate speech and disinformation.
In a recent podcast interview with Tim Pool, Kanye West expressed antisemitic views, claiming that Jewish people control banks and media.
At a recent Trump rally in Ohio, supporters raised their index fingers in the air, leading to speculation about whether this gesture was a form of hate speech.
Alex Edelman's one-man comedy show, "Just for Us," combines humor and self-reflection as he explores his Jewish identity.
Comedian Alex Edelman explores the unfunny world of antisemitism online, drawing inspiration for his one-man show "Just For Us," premiering Off-Broadway.
The mob of far-right protesters that stormed the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, was fueled by antisemitic conspiracy theories and false claims that a prominent Jewish American had stolen the election from President Donald Trump.
In episode 163 of the podcast "Out of Bounds," two interviews are featured.
In a recent episode of AJC Passport, the discussion covered the ongoing rocket attacks on southern Israel by Hamas, with input from former IDF spokesperson Lt. Col. (res.) Peter Lerner.
The article discusses how Donald Trump gained popularity among white supremacists due to his statements and policies perceived as racist, such as banning Muslims and stereotyping Mexican immigrants.