
The Robert Kraft Foundation to Combat Antisemitism will air a 30-second ad during NBA playoff games condemning antisemitism at recent campus protests, displaying images of hate alongside peaceful protest visuals.
Columbia's Rashid Khalidi and UCLA's David Myers will discuss protests and repression on campus, focusing on the crackdown on pro-Palestinian activism.
In a cul-de-sac, Sebastien, the cat of the secular Falkowitz family, dies under a snowbank, leading neighbors, reluctantly including the protagonist, to rescue the cat's body.
The discussion in "The Elephant in the Therapy Room: The Conversation Continues" revolves around the age and life experience of therapists, particularly within the frum community.
The text discusses the rise of pro-Hamas demonstrations on college campuses and the potential anti-Semitic implications associated with these protests.
The article discusses the impact of state Holocaust education mandates on public schools in the U.S. and how the effectiveness of these mandates varies depending on the schools that implement them.
King David Primary School in Birmingham, which has a majority of Muslim students, has been rated outstanding for its Jewish studies.
As exam season approaches, the role of parents in supporting their children's studies is examined, particularly within the Jewish community where there seems to be a tendency towards creating optimal learning conditions.
The Independent Jewish Day School in Hendon has been rated outstanding by Pikuach for its Jewish studies, with high levels of teaching and learning.
The UK government is considering lifting entry restrictions on faith free schools, potentially allowing more Charedi Jewish schools to enter the state system.
During the March of the Living on Yom HaShoah, Holocaust survivors and relatives of Oct. 7 Hamas attack victims highlighted the importance of remembrance.
Columbia University has decided to cancel its main graduation ceremony due to recent tumult on campus, including student arrests, the clearing of a Gaza solidarity encampment, and a building occupation by pro-Palestinian protesters.
Student protesters at various universities are advocating for divestment from Israel in response to their military actions.
Columbia University has decided to cancel its commencement ceremony due to ongoing pro-Palestinian protests on campus, leading to hundreds of student arrests and disruptions.
The text discusses observations about campus protests, highlighting insights from professors Rashid Khalidi and David Myers on the crackdown on pro-Palestine protesters at Columbia and UCLA.
Pro-Palestinian protesters made their presence known at college graduation ceremonies in Michigan, Boston, and other locations, unfurling Palestinian flags, engaging in symbolic actions, and delivering speeches critical of Israel.
Dr. Lihi Ben Shitrit and Dr. Dahlia Scheindlin, both fellows at Brandeis University's Schusterman Center for Israel Studies, discuss the future of Israel post-October 7th and the war with Hamas.
Pro-Palestinian protesters made disruptions during college graduation ceremonies in Michigan, Boston, and Toledo, using tactics like raising Palestinian flags and staging symbolic protests against Israel's actions in Gaza.
The author commends Jewish students observing Shabbat and performing mitzvot at the United for Palestine encampment at the University of Chicago, clarifying their enthusiastic support for these actions, which were featured in a Chicago Tribune article.
Rabbi Schonfeld and Rabbi Garfield discuss burning questions parents have about raising children in relation to Gemara on the first episode of "Lets Talk Gemara."
Chasidic protesters marched outside Parliament against a proposed Private Members Bill that would require a register of home-schooled children, affecting yeshivot with limited secular education.
The text discusses instances of anti-Israel protests on university campuses, highlighting support for Hamas, calls for Palestinian scholarships and jobs, and violent demonstrations, with some protesters affiliated with extremist groups.
Future of Jewish is a digital publication aiming to provide free access to information about Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world.
An Israeli student at Columbia University expresses fear and discomfort due to rising anti-Israel sentiments on campus, leading to protests where Israeli students are demonized and calls for violence against Zionists are heard.
The article discusses a recent protest by pro-Palestinian students at Columbia University's Hamilton Hall and highlights the concerns and fears of Jewish, Zionist students like the author.

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