
SAR High School in Riverdale, New York is challenging taboos around sex education in Modern Orthodox high schools by introducing a Jewish Sexual Ethics course that combines Jewish values with open discussions on safe sexual practices.
A Jewish parent navigates college visits for their high school junior amid concerns of antisemitism on campuses, opting to skip visits to Middlebury and Brown due to reported incidents.
Frat boys at the University of North Carolina gained attention for defending the American flag amid pro-Palestine protests, embodying a patriotic stance.
The author describes their self-diagnosed condition of Social Antisemitism Tourettes (SAT), where they constantly feel the urge to speak out about various anxieties related to being Jewish, such as increasing violence towards Jews, media bias, and Holocaust denial.
The text discusses the rise of anti-Semitic sentiments within British universities, with Jewish students facing bullying, discrimination, and pressure to hide their identities and opinions.
Rav Yechiel Perr, the revered Rosh Yeshivah of the Yeshiva of Far Rockaway, passed away at 89, leaving a profound impact on the Torah and mussar world and the community of Far Rockaway and the Five Towns.
University of Michigan graduate Benny Shaevsky confronted pro-Hamas activists at his campus by removing an illegal poster criticizing Israel.
The House Republicans are expanding their antisemitism hearings to include public schools, with a focus on New York City's school system led by Chancellor David Banks.
The article describes a parent's concern over recent pro-Palestinian protests and antisemitic sentiments on college campuses, particularly highlighted during campus visits with their son who is preparing for college.
Pro-Palestinian protesters at MIT retook an encampment following disputes about divestment from Israel.
The text describes a Jewish mother's concerns about the anti-Israel sentiment on her son's campus at Northwestern University, where pro-Palestinian protesters have been vocal.
The author reflects on the changing landscape for American Jewish students at Brown University, highlighting a shift from the traditional American Jewish dream of education, career, and community support to one clouded by anti-Israel sentiment on college campuses.
The Robert Kraft Foundation to Combat Antisemitism will air a 30-second ad during NBA playoff games condemning antisemitism at recent campus protests, displaying images of hate alongside peaceful protest visuals.
Columbia's Rashid Khalidi and UCLA's David Myers will discuss protests and repression on campus, focusing on the crackdown on pro-Palestinian activism.
In a cul-de-sac, Sebastien, the cat of the secular Falkowitz family, dies under a snowbank, leading neighbors, reluctantly including the protagonist, to rescue the cat's body.
The discussion in "The Elephant in the Therapy Room: The Conversation Continues" revolves around the age and life experience of therapists, particularly within the frum community.
The text discusses the rise of pro-Hamas demonstrations on college campuses and the potential anti-Semitic implications associated with these protests.
The article discusses the impact of state Holocaust education mandates on public schools in the U.S. and how the effectiveness of these mandates varies depending on the schools that implement them.
King David Primary School in Birmingham, which has a majority of Muslim students, has been rated outstanding for its Jewish studies.
As exam season approaches, the role of parents in supporting their children's studies is examined, particularly within the Jewish community where there seems to be a tendency towards creating optimal learning conditions.
The Independent Jewish Day School in Hendon has been rated outstanding by Pikuach for its Jewish studies, with high levels of teaching and learning.
The UK government is considering lifting entry restrictions on faith free schools, potentially allowing more Charedi Jewish schools to enter the state system.
During the March of the Living on Yom HaShoah, Holocaust survivors and relatives of Oct. 7 Hamas attack victims highlighted the importance of remembrance.
Columbia University has decided to cancel its main graduation ceremony due to recent tumult on campus, including student arrests, the clearing of a Gaza solidarity encampment, and a building occupation by pro-Palestinian protesters.
Student protesters at various universities are advocating for divestment from Israel in response to their military actions.

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