
This episode discusses the life of Korczak, focusing on his Jewish responses and actions despite his lack of formal Jewish education.
Exploring the halachic implications of Elijah the Prophet visiting a cemetery in the Parshah Rabbit Hole episode 31 (Emor).
The union representing workers at the University of California system has voted to authorize a strike in response to the handling of pro-Palestinian protests on campuses.
The president of Sonoma State University in California, after agreeing to an academic boycott of Israel and other concessions to pro-Palestinian protesters on campus, was placed on leave following backlash and suspension for insubordination.
Rabbi Dweck discusses various topics including Eurovision, prayer, and learning with Haredi friends in a Q&A session.
Noa Swabel, a 16-year-old London schoolgirl from Golders Green, ranked seventh in the International Bible Quiz held in Jerusalem and broadcast on Israeli TV on Yom Haatzmaut.
The article discusses how campus protests often serve as a platform for leftist groups to push for increased jobs, resources, and power for progressive professors and administrators, rather than primarily addressing the stated issues like racism, police brutality, or environmental concerns.
Future of Jewish, a digital publication, now offers free access to its content aiming to educate and connect people worldwide with Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world.
In May 2024, a City University of New York (CUNY) college canceled Hillel events marking Israel's Memorial and Independence Days due to security concerns amidst anti-Israel protests.
A branch of the City University of New York (CUNY) recently canceled an Israeli Memorial Day event organized by Hillel at Kingsborough Community College due to security concerns amidst anti-Israel protests.
At the University of California's Berkeley campus, a diverse group of activists are part of an encampment protest advocating for peace and an end to the Israeli occupation in Gaza.
A middle school teacher in Connecticut was suspended for a lesson on the Holocaust that involved asking students to draw a swastika, list positive things about Hitler, and comment on a "cute" baby photo of him.
The theater students at Dawson College in Montreal are inadvertently workshopping a controversial script called Vial during the pandemic, written by David Sklar, which explores themes of Zionism, campus politics, and free speech.
Young Jews are increasingly distancing themselves from Jewish institutions due to conflicts surrounding Zionism and Israel.
The article discusses the diversity of Jewish student experiences on college campuses during times of protests, highlighting that Jewish students, like the broader Jewish community, are not a monolithic group.
Israel studies and Jewish studies programs are highlighted as crucial fields within academia that offer profound insights into Jewish traditions, Israel's history and complexities, and global societal issues.
The author announces their upcoming scholar-in-residence position at Agudat Achim in Bradley Beach, NJ, for Shavuot, where they will be unavailable for a subsequent Shabbat event in Israel.
Dr. Harold Behr, a retired child psychiatrist, highlights that the current wave of student protests surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on university campuses reflects the adolescent need for certainty and belonging.
Shaked Tsurkan, a 14-year-old Israeli high school student in New Brunswick, was physically assaulted by an older Muslim student off school grounds, possibly due to antisemitic targeting.
The video showcases the remarkable journey of Stephen Shore, an individual diagnosed with autism in his childhood, who defied expectations to become a successful professor, author, lecturer, and activist.
The video introduces a new 4-week online course where participants will learn how to dig their own Rabbit Hole, available for registration at
The University of Florida, known for its large Jewish student population, has seen tensions arise as pro-Palestinian protests have led to concerns of antisemitism on campus.
In a rare move, the pro-Palestinian encampment at Cornell University disbanded without arrests or deals typically seen at other schools, where police involvement or agreements with protesters have been common.
The text describes personal anecdotes related to financial matters and the concept of bitachon, or trust in God.
The video showcases the inspiring journey of Stephen Shore from a recommended institution placement to becoming a successful professor, author, lecturer, and activist, aiming to change the world's perception of autistic individuals.

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