
Republican politicians, led by figures like DeSantis, are pushing back against Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives at universities, passing laws to ban such programs across several states.
Milene Klein, a Jewish Columbia student and former chief of the opinion desk at the Columbia Spectator, grappled with her anti-Zionist views while navigating the tumult of pro-Palestinian protests on campus.
Cornell University President Martha E. Pollack has announced her retirement, becoming the third Ivy League leader to step down recently amid debates on antisemitism and protests over the Israel-Hamas conflict.
Cornell University president Martha E. Pollack is retiring in response to pressures surrounding campus antisemitism and concerns related to the Israel-Hamas war.
The article discusses how recent campus protests in support of Palestine are no longer just about Israel but have become a way for young Americans to express their frustration and pessimism about America's direction.
At The New School, a campus rabbi, Louisa Solomon, stands out as an anti-Zionist figure supporting students in pro-Palestinian activism, leading traditional Jewish events with a politically charged twist.
Jewish college students are grappling with a range of emotions and perspectives amidst campus protests related to the Israel-Hamas conflict.
In response to a rise in antisemitism targeting British Jews on campuses following a terrorist attack by Hamas in Israel, Education Secretary Gillian Keegan is actively engaging with educational institutions and the Jewish community to address the issue.
Jewish teens are sharing their experiences of feeling unsupported and unequipped to handle discussions on Israel-Palestine conflicts in public schools, with many schools failing to provide adequate education or resources.
Students affiliated with Columbias Hillel responded to a protest movement on their campus, addressing slogans bordering on antisemitism and calling for respect for religious identity.
Rav Aharon Lichtenstein's paper from 1981 outlines the Hesder program's unique approach, allowing religious students to combine military service with Torah study.
Michael Lewis, assistant head of Jewish education at Immanuel College, has been nominated for the TES annual awards for educators as subject lead of the year for secondary schools.
The article discusses the trend in academia to delegitimize Israel as a settler-colonial regime, even extending to unconventional areas like zoology and conservation.
Rabbi David Meyer, a prominent educational leader in British Jewry, has been selected as a torchbearer for Israel's Independence Day ceremony, representing the diaspora alongside another individual.
The video explores the tale of a mythical monster whose remains are employed in dark magic in the context of Parshat Kedoshim.
Over 400 Jewish students at Columbia University have signed an open letter defending their support for Israel and expressing concerns about harassment they faced during pro-Palestinian protests on campus.
In a congressional hearing, leaders of K-12 school systems in New York City, Berkeley, and Maryland were questioned about their responses to antisemitism in schools.
Jewish students at Columbia University penned a message, emphasizing their pride in their Jewish identity and their support for Zionism as part of their heritage and connection to Israel.
Jewish students from various campuses are rejecting claims that student encampments for Gaza are antisemitic or pose a threat to Jewish safety.
Dartmouth College faced sharp criticism for calling in riot police to remove a pro-Palestinian encampment on campus, including the arrest of 90 people, including students and a Jewish studies professor.
The video showcases the growing sense of Jewish pride among students at McGill University in Montreal, as they embrace and celebrate their identity and Judaism.
The president of San Francisco State University engaged in public negotiations with pro-Palestinian protesters demanding divestment from Israel, addressing their demands for transparency and ethical investment practices.
Amid campus unrest and anti-Israel sentiments, a parent discusses the impact on choosing colleges for her children, emphasizing the importance of not shying away from schools with protests but rather seeking environments where Jewish identity is accepted.
Amidst recent protests at Columbia University and rising antisemitism, the importance of Jewish identity and pride is highlighted.
President Biden addressed the rise of antisemitism in America, describing it as "ferocious" during a speech at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, highlighting ongoing concerns within the Jewish community.

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