
Historian Dor Saar from Tel Aviv University explores the involvement of Abraham Miguel Cardoso, a 17th-century Jewish theologian, in supporting Sabbatai Zevi, a prominent false messiah in Jewish history.
Ruth Shack, an 85-year-old activist, is celebrated for her lifelong advocacy for the arts, historic preservation, and civil rights in Miami.
The text delves into the experiences of the author with their partner, Dean, as he navigates cancer treatment from January to November 2012.
Prof. Raanan Rein delves into the intricate history of Spanish-Israeli relations over three decades, examining the challenges and developments leading up to the establishment of diplomatic ties in 1986.
Dr. Avner Wishnitzer examines the clash of tradition and modernity in 19th century Turkey through the adoption of standardized time in his book "Reading Clocks Alla Turca: Time and Society in the Late Ottoman Empire."
Ofer Idels from Tel Aviv University's Department of History delves into the contentious debate within the Jewish community in Palestine prior to the 1936 Olympic Games in Nazi Berlin, discussing the implications and dilemmas faced at the time.
The article discusses the naming of the winter storm Jonas by the Weather Channel, highlighting the irony that the storm is named after the Hebrew word "yonah" which means dove, a symbol of peace and tranquility in the biblical story of Noah's Ark.
The history and significance of the date palm in Israel, intertwined with the country's own story, reflect its diverse uses from providing food, fiber, and shade to its symbolism in Jewish consciousness.
Herman Wouk recounts how encountering historian Raul Hilberg and his work "The Destruction of the European Jews" shaped his writing of novels like "The Winds of War" and "War and Remembrance."
The text discusses the relationship between Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, and the prophet Moses, highlighting their roles as modern-day prophets advocating for civil rights.
The Neve Shalom Synagogue in Istanbul recently hosted a significant Jewish wedding officiated by the mayor of Beikta, marking the first time a local official conducted such a ceremony.
At Limmud in Birmingham, England, Allison, Noah, and Prof. Sara Hirschhorn delve into three significant topics: the exaggeration of reports on Israel's decline, the presence of Jewish terrorists with American passports in Israel, and the idea that Israelis today might be power-hungry due to historical powerlessness.
Vladimir Jabotinsky's autobiography, "Story of My Life," previously available in Russian, will now be published in English thanks to a newly discovered annotated draft by Professor Leonid Katsis.
In 1843 in Boisk, outside Riga, the Hevrat Aggadeta celebrated finishing the Aggadeta with a lavish party.
Holocaust survivor Simon Malkes shares his story of being saved by Nazi officer Karl Plagge, whom he calls the "Schindler of Vilnius."
The text discusses the talmudic tractate Taanit which explores Jewish perspectives on the natural world and resources, comparing the climate and resources of the Land of Israel with Babylon.
Robert Capa, the renowned photojournalist, captured iconic moments in history, including Israel's establishment in 1948 by David Ben-Gurion.
Gershom Scholem, a highly influential Israeli intellectual, had a profound impact on a wide range of figures in Israel and abroad due to his work in the history of Kabbalah and Jewish mysticism.
New York businessman Leon Black purchased a Daniel Bomberg Babylonian Talmud for $9.3 million at a recent Sothebys auction in New York, setting a new world record for Judaica sales.
Dr. Aviva Tal, a Yiddish literature professor at Bar-Ilan University, delves into the little-known topic of Jewish criminal activities in Interwar Poland, highlighting its significant role in Jewish society during that era.
Dr. Ran Zwigenberg, a professor of history, discusses the parallel cultures of commemoration stemming from the Hiroshima and Auschwitz catastrophes in a conversation with host Gilad Halpern.
Rav Yitzchok Hutner, a prominent Orthodox thinker of the 20th century, was influenced by various Jewish traditions and thinkers, including the teachings of Slobodka yeshiva and Rabbi Avraham Yitzchok Kook.
An email from Hillary Clinton's private server suggests that former aide Anne-Marie Slaughter proposed raising private funds from billionaires for a Palestinian state to bolster Mahmoud Abbas and shame Israel.
Prince Takahito Mikasa, a member of the Imperial House of Japan, turns 100 in 2015.
Dr. Inbal Ben-Asher Gitler, a historian of architecture, discusses the post-colonial perspective in analyzing the history of architecture in Israel during the 20th century with host Gilad Halpern.

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