
The essay discusses the significance of Passover, a holiday celebrating the Jews' release from enslavement in Egypt as recounted in the book of Exodus.
Ashton Macklin, a Jewish Media Fellow, has crafted a thought-provoking Passover resource titled "A Seder for Two: Me and Elijah."
Jonathan Schorsch, founder of the Green Sabbath Project, emphasizes the environmental benefits of observing Shabbat and advocates for a universal adoption of this practice to combat climate change.
In this 18Forty Podcast episode, Rachel Goldberg-Polin shares her experience as the mother of a son, Hersh, who was kidnapped by Hamas and remains a hostage in Gaza.
Rachel Goldberg-Polin, a mother whose son Hersh was kidnapped by Hamas and remains a hostage in Gaza, discusses the challenges of celebrating Passover with missing loved ones in an episode of the 18Forty Podcast.
A vegan Cauliflower Waldorf salad recipe is shared as an ideal dish for Seder night or yom tov lunch due to its ability to be prepared in advance and maintain its taste.
Families of Israeli hostages in Gaza, facing a somber Passover, are struggling to celebrate the holiday of freedom while their loved ones remain captive, with some opting for subdued seders and unique rituals to honor the missing.
The essay discusses the author's contrasting experiences at Passover Seders, one focusing on social justice and the other on traditional Jewish practices.
Many Israeli families, including those who have loved ones held hostage, are finding it difficult to celebrate Passover this year due to feelings of sadness and frustration over the captivity of their relatives by Hamas.
This article discusses how many Israeli families, including those with loved ones held hostage by Hamas, are finding it difficult to celebrate Passover this year, a holiday that symbolizes freedom.
During Passover, the seder plate traditionally includes items like parsley, bitter herbs, charoset, a shank bone, and an egg, but there are modern additions you can incorporate to reflect contemporary issues in the Jewish community.
The article discusses the author's family tradition of children hiding the afikoman during Passover Seder, a departure from the usual practice, leading to reflections on differing perspectives within traditions.
Matt Slater, winner of Kveller's 2024 Passover parody contest, created a parody of N*SYNC's "Bye Bye Bye" titled "(Matzah) Brei Brei Brei," which combines the popular song with Passover-themed lyrics about matzah brei.
Marnie Fienberg, whose mother-in-law was tragically murdered at the Tree of Life synagogue, has created 2ForSeder, an initiative to combat antisemitism by inviting two non-Jewish individuals to join a Passover Seder and experience the beauty of Judaism.
As Passover approaches, the author grapples with celebrating the holiday while hostages remain captive in Gaza for over six months.
The author discusses their evolving relationship with Passover, introducing the concept of Miriam's Cup on their seder table for the first time.
Raphael Magarik discusses the concept of Shabbat HaGadol as a form of general strike, inspired by Rabbi Joseph di Trani's interpretation.
The article reflects on the spiritual significance and challenges of preparing for Passover and caring for family members, highlighting the connection between caregiving and religious practice.
As Passover approaches, New Voices offers a retrospective on a decade of articles, including discussions on diverse seder plate additions, self-customized haggadot, integrating grief into the holiday, reflections on queerness and liberation, campus freedom seders addressing Israel/Palestine, critical reviews of haggadot like "The Rational Passover Haggadah," and explorations of topics such as diet culture's impact on Passover observance.
Bonjour Chai's Third Annual Great Canadian Seder brings together a diverse group of Canadian Jews to discuss navigating potential political tensions at Passover gatherings, the universalization of the Passover story, and the role of storytelling.
Pesach's story of hope and redemption, as depicted in the Haggadah, has always been a source of strength for the Jewish people.
This recipe is for a minced lamb hotpot that can be easily adapted with minced beef and other ingredients for variation.
This recipe combines elements of both Sephardic and Ashkenazi charoset to create delicious Passover Charoset bars.
In a discussion titled "The 11th Plague," the podcast explores Israel's response to an Iranian attack and the complex decisions facing Israeli policymakers.
Vice President Harry S. Truman delivered a Passover address in 1945, praising Jewish contributions to ethics and expressing gratitude for their resilience and support for oppressed minorities.

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