
Charoset balls are a versatile dish with various regional variations in Jewish cuisine.
This article presents a recipe for a special Horseradish-Crusted Surprise Steak with Tomato Vinaigrette, ideal for occasions like Pesach.
This recipe for Kefta-Stuffed Onions with Pomegranate Reduction offers a delicious and sophisticated addition to Pesach meals.
Rebbetzin S. Feldbrand noticed a need for a Haggadah that would engage teenage readers, leading her to create "Haggadah for Teens and Their Grown-Ups."
Indulging in self-care with treats and relaxation while taking a break from the busyness of being a working mom.
Synagogues and Jewish Community Centers across the country are planning various activities to celebrate the upcoming solar eclipse.
Shabbat times for the period from March 29 to April 5 are provided, including the exact times when Shabbat begins and ends in various cities.
This text provides a recipe for Kosher for Passover chocolate chip cookies that can be used to make ice cream sandwiches, suitable for year-round enjoyment and specifically for the Passover Seder.
A Youtube video featuring a recipe for braised Moroccan chicken suitable for Passover, with suggested ingredients including Tabatchnick Glatt Kosher chicken stock, and a step-by-step guide to cooking and preparation.
Kveller offers a guide with seven ways to adapt your Passover Seder this year in light of recent events like the October 7 attack in Israel and the war in Gaza.
This article offers a collection of Jewish jokes suitable for sharing at the Passover Seder to lighten the mood during the holiday.
A video tutorial explaining the four essential Purim Mitzvahs which include hearing the megillah, giving charity to the poor, exchanging gifts of food with friends, and having a festive Purim feast.
Kveller's Passover Parody Contest is back after the success of the inaugural event last year, where readers submitted over 100 song parodies with a Passover twist, resulting in a Taylor Swift parody being crowned the winner.
This YouTube video focuses on preparing the kitchen for Passover by doing thorough spring cleaning.
Purim celebrations in Israel and worldwide were influenced by ongoing war and the captivity of Israeli soldiers in Gaza.
A video showcasing minimalist packing tips for a family trip to Disney World, including organizing tips, stroller decisions, and travel car seats.
The text discusses the 8 categories of Shelach Manos, which are different food preferences and dietary restrictions that people may have during Purim.
Elon Gold discusses the Jewish ability to use humor in challenging times while engaging in a humorous and interruptive conversation with Eylon, exploring Israeli vs. Jewish humor and showcasing his impressions of Douglas Murray and Trump in a cringey pre-game chat before a comedy show.
The text briefly mentions the celebration of Purim while highlighting Rationalist Judaism as a reader-supported publication.
In response to the ongoing conflict and hostage situation involving 134 captives abducted by Hamas, Jodi Rudoren reflects on participating in a social-media campaign called Tastes Like Home, which aims to humanize the hostages by sharing their favorite cookie recipes and stories.
The beloved 90s show Rugrats has been rebooted with a new 3D version that continues to incorporate Jewish families and traditions, similar to its original episodes like A Rugrats Passover and A Rugrats Chanukah.
This year, Six13, a Jewish a cappella group, released a Purim song medley that is different from the usual parodies due to the current challenges facing Israel and the Jewish community.
Gashmius Magazine and the New Voices Fellows engaged in studying hasidic texts, exploring the idea that Torah is continuously given since Sinai.
Gashmius Magazine recently engaged with the New Voices Fellows in a study of Hasidic texts, inspiring participants to see Torah as continually evolving.
This recipe shared on Instagram by victoriaprever provides a method to make Lotus Biscoff and white chocolate hamantaschen.

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