
The article explores the history and tradition of matzo, highlighting that traditionally, soft matzo was more common than the dry, cracker-like version typically found today.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky visited a Jewish school in Kyiv for a model Passover seder, engaging with students and drawing parallels between the holiday of freedom and the current situation in Ukraine facing Russian aggression.
Cantor Lauren Phillips Fogelman's parody song "Four Cups of Wine," based on the Indigo Girls' "Closer to Fine," was a runner-up in Kveller's parody contest.
The text discusses various perspectives on Pesach from a rationalist viewpoint, covering topics such as the size of a kezayis, the significance of eating matzah, and the debates around traditional practices.
Holocaust survivors' descendants, Hilda and Sharon, who had roots in the same Polish town, Radom, bonded over their shared history and embarked on a journey to reconnect with their past.
Various versions of charoset were taste-tested by a group, including Ashkenazi and Sephardi styles.
Passover trips to, from, and within Israel are experiencing a significant increase in cancellations, with a 65% decrease in Passover travel compared to last year due to ongoing security concerns and conflicts in the region.
Rabbi Lara Haft Yom Tov reflects on the traditional Passover declaration "Let all who are hungry come and eat," emphasizing its call to feed the hungry.
A tutorial video demonstrating how to make a delicious and moist banana bread recipe suitable for Passover, including a list of ingredients and baking instructions.
The Pesach quiz covers various aspects of the biblical Exodus story.
This text describes a recipe for a Pesach strawberry and almond cake that utilizes frozen strawberries for a delightful flavor during most of the year.
April 19 sees Shabbat starting at various times across different cities in the UK, with important times for London, Bournemouth, Leeds, Manchester, Gateshead, and Glasgow listed.
In the discussion of Pesah as Zeman Simhateinu, the text delves into the tradition of referring to the last days of Pesah as a time of rejoicing over victory.
In light of the ongoing Israel-Hamas war and the plight of hostages in Gaza, Jewish communities are incorporating new symbolic items and rituals into their Passover seders to address these current crises.
For families looking for Passover-themed TV episodes, here are six recommendations that cater to different age groups:
A video discussing the Jewish tradition of waiting until age 3 for a boy's first haircut, known as Upsherin, and the family's excitement to celebrate this mitzvah soon.
A video showcasing how to prepare a Passover Seder appetizer featuring lox.
The article provides insights on choosing healthier Pesach matzah options.
The writer expresses initial anger and hurt upon a relative declining to attend the family seder due to discomfort with traditional texts and intentions, feeling conflicted about the rejection of a beloved tradition but reflecting on the nature of family traditions and adaptation.
The author acknowledges an error in a subscription discount offer where only educational institutions were allowed to subscribe due to a mistaken setting.
The author recounts their experience as a caregiver for their elderly parents on a Pesach vacation overseas.
This article reflects on the concept of liberation in the Jewish community this year, particularly transitioning from Purim's themes of threats and instability to Pesach's promise of Divine intervention and liberation.
The text discusses the legal intricacies and religious significance of the practice of selling chametz (leavened food) before Passover, focusing on the formalities and implications involved in this ritual.
Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove and Professor Daniel Matt discuss the life and significance of the prophet Elijah in Jewish tradition in a Passover special episode on the Park Avenue Synagogue Podcast.
Six13, an a cappella group, released a Passover parody of Abba songs, merging traditional Passover themes with Abba's iconic music and style.

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