
In this essay reflecting on the impact of watching "Roots" and "Holocaust" for the first time, the author explores the significance of these groundbreaking miniseries from the 1970s.
Artist Alexsandro Palombo sparked controversy with his series of drawings depicting 'The Simpsons' as famished inmates of Auschwitz, using Nazi Holocaust imagery to educate future generations about the atrocities of the Holocaust.
Swastikas and the word "Hitler" were found graffitied at the former Mauthausen concentration camp, now a museum and memorial.
Professor Menachem Klein's book, "Lives in Common: Arabs and Jews in Jerusalem, Jaffa and Hebron," delves into the historical Jewish-Arab coexistence in Palestine that eventually gave way to conflicting national identities.
The article discusses a list of 10 movies suitable for International Holocaust Remembrance Day, excluding some well-known choices like "The Diary of Anne Frank" and "Life is Beautiful."
Professor Stuart Cohen discusses how World War One significantly shifted the Jewish perspective on military service, leading to a renewed appreciation for the military within Judaism.
Professors Alan Wolfe and Dennis Klein examine different aspects of Jewish identity and experience.
Götz Aly's book "Why the Germans?" delves into the historical roots of German anti-Semitism leading to the Holocaust.
Martin Greenfield is a renowned figure in mens fashion, having tailored suits for top personalities like President Obama and celebrities such as Michael Jackson and Johnny Depp.
Judy Blume's 1977 book "Starring Sally J. Freedman as Herself" follows a 10-year-old girl in 1947 Miami Beach who is convinced that Adolf Hitler might be living nearby.
Israeli artist Dani Gal's installation "As from Afar" at the Jewish Museum explores the unexpected late-life friendship between Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal and Nazi architect Albert Speer.
Israeli historian Otto Dov Kulka's book "Landscapes of the Metropolis of Death," based on his experience as a child in Auschwitz, is praised for its poetic and reflective tone.
Richard Wolin criticizes the interpretation of Hannah Arendt's "banality of evil" thesis, pointing out factual errors and challenging the emphasis on Martin Heidegger's influence over Immanuel Kant in Arendt's thinking.
In the 1960s, the memory of the Holocaust quietly haunted the era despite the intense focus on changing the world.
Hannah Arendt's analysis of the Adolf Eichmann trial in "Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil" stirred controversy with her proposition that the Nazi's execution of the Final Solution was banal, potentially placing partial blame on Jewish councils negotiating with the Nazis.
Konstanty Gebert in response to "The Ukrainian Question" discusses the differing perspectives in Eastern European countries like Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, and Ukraine regarding their historical narratives, nationalism, and attitudes towards Nazi collaborators.
The article responds to Dovid Katz's views on the ethical complexities surrounding Ukrainian nationalism and Russian separatism, particularly in relation to historical figures like Stepan Bandera.
Amy Newman Smith and Erika Dreifus engage in a discussion regarding the quality and ethical considerations of fiction based on the Holocaust and Nazi era.
The response to Amy Newman Smith's article "Killer Backdrop" questions the focus and criticisms of Holocaust-related fiction, wondering if any examples meet her approval or if she targets a specific subgenre like romance.
Helen Bamber, a Jewish human rights activist, passed away at 89 after a lifelong commitment to aiding victims of torture and violence.
The author reflects on how her experiences at a Labor Zionist youth camp shaped her Jewish identity, particularly in relation to observing Tisha B'Av.
The author reflects on spending Tisha B'Av in Rome near the Arch of Titus, a symbol of the destruction of the Second Temple.
Bruno Kreisky, a prominent Austrian politician of Jewish descent, played a crucial role in turning the left against Israel in the 1970s.
Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar, a prominent Haredi Jewish leader in Hungary, faced criticism for his actions before and during the Holocaust.
Nasya Kamrat, filmmaker and granddaughter of Holocaust survivor Irving Kamrat, is working on an animated documentary project called "Unspeakable," aiming to bring survivors' stories to life through animation based on her grandfather's art.

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