
Pro-Palestinian student activists, particularly from the organization Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), are organizing their first national conference to enhance coordination and impact on college campuses regarding anti-Israel activities.
The article discusses whether Occupy Wall Street is anti-Semitic, particularly referring to its origins linked to the magazine Adbusters, which previously published a controversial article about influential Jews in America.
Edward Luttwak, a prominent academic and strategic consultant, is known for his work in military strategy, Roman and Byzantine history, and economics.
The documentary titled "Back Door Channels" provides a unique and unprecedented look into the 1979 Camp David Peace Accord and Treaty between Egypt and Israel, offering exclusive interviews with key political figures like Jimmy Carter, Henry Kissinger, Menachem Begin, Anwar El-Sadat, and Wolf Blitzer.
In Uganda, Rabbi Gershom Sizomu, leader of the Abayudaya Jewish community, lost a petition challenging alleged vote-rigging and voter intimidation during his parliamentary campaign against Muslim incumbent Yahaya Wojje.
Young urban Israelis initiated the recent tent-city protests in Israel, initially driven by rising housing costs but rooted in self-interest rather than genuine altruism.
Fox News barred Jewish, openly gay Republican presidential candidate Fred Karger from participating in their debate despite him meeting the debate requirement of receiving over 1% in some accurate polls, citing that online polls didn't count.
The article discusses the significance and mystery surrounding George Washington's famous letter to the Hebrew Congregation in Newport, Rhode Island, where Washington reassures the Jewish community of religious liberties in the young United States.
Three major Left parties, the Communist Party U.S.A., the Socialist Party U.S.A., and the Democratic Socialists of America, discuss merging and starting a revolution at a NYC pastry shop but clash over social media strategies.
President Barack Obama's evolving approach to the Middle East was marked by a shift towards promoting universal values in his Arab Spring speech, departing from his previous multicultural engagement stance.
Former New York City Mayor Ed Koch, known for his influence in American politics, has a history of endorsing and criticizing presidential candidates based on their stance on Israel and other significant issues.
The text highlights a tense yet enlightening encounter between Israeli and Arab journalists during a workshop in Madrid, showcasing different perspectives on thorny issues like the Holocaust, terrorism, and the Arab-Israeli peace process.
In Uganda, during election time, President Yoweri Museveni is running for another term with extensive advertising promoting his achievements.
Rabbi Joachim Prinz, a prominent civil rights leader, faced persecution in Nazi Germany before emigrating to the United States.
The text discusses the role of nationalism in Egypt, particularly in the context of recent political events and the historical development of Egyptian nationalism.
In Uganda, Rabbi Gershom Sizomu, a candidate in the general election, lost to the incumbent MP Yahaya Gudoi Wojje amid allegations of rigging and irregularities.
Rabbi Gershom Sizomu, running for parliament in Namanyoni, Uganda, is seen overseeing the installation of a polling station and casting his vote, garnering strong support from his followers.
Israeli citizen Rafram Raphael Chaddad, held captive for five months in Libya, was released after being arrested in Tripoli while on assignment for an Israeli NGO.
The Israeli media's intense coverage of Egypt's recent events reflects Israelis' deep concerns about the potential impact on their country.
The article explores the impact of anti-Semitism on public officials, particularly in the aftermath of the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.
In recent years, the Palestinians have made gradual progress in building governing institutions, particularly under Prime Minister Salam Fayyad in the West Bank, leading to economic growth and improved security.
A group of prominent Israeli artists declared their refusal to perform in a West Bank cultural center, sparking controversy and political intervention.
Jonathan Pollard, a former American naval intelligence analyst convicted of spying for Israel in 1987, has served the longest prison term in American history for espionage for an ally.
David Beeri, a former IDF officer, utilized legal loopholes like the Absentees Property Law to claim land in Silwan, an Arab neighborhood in Jerusalem, for Jewish settlement under the guise of historical ownership.
Mario Vargas Llosa, the Peruvian Nobel laureate in Literature known for his sprawling novels and essays reflecting on Latin American life, has shown a deep interest in Jewish themes, particularly exploring the concept of liberty and the role of minorities in society.

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