Tag: Aging

The writer shares his experience as a security volunteer at his synagogue, facing skepticism from his family about his protective abilities despite his physical fitness regime of running.
The author reflects on embracing her gray hair as a natural sign of aging and wisdom rather than concealing it, drawing inspiration from Jewish teachings that view gray hair as a crown of glory earned through a righteous life.
Comedian Richard Lewis, known for his self-deprecating humor, Jewish neurotic personality, and dark comedy style, passed away at 76 after battling health issues, including Parkinson's disease.
The Sedra of Vayelech recounts Moses confessing to the Israelites that he is unable to continue leading them due to his old age.
In these poems, the author reflects on the passing of time during a plague and the rituals they engage in.
Growing older is a common experience, and a poet named Robert Browning explored this theme in his work.
The novels of Roald Dahl are undergoing revisions to align with modern standards, removing language considered offensive.
The author reflects on the beauty of nature and the devastating effects of climate change.
The Fox and Lox Society, a group of aging friends, gathered regularly for a poker game over the years, with their traditions evolving as they aged.
In the text "Live a Little," a conversation between a mother and her son unravels, revealing a complex relationship.
The text depicts the author's experience facing Parkinson's disease in his early eighties, which has deeply affected his physical abilities and cognitive function, causing exhaustion, tremors, and cognitive slowness.
Paul Auster's latest book, "Winter Journal," delves into his personal history, covering themes of aging, death, and love, particularly focusing on his mother's passing.
Shalom Auslander, in a reflective and humorous piece, contemplates the nature and role of testicles as he turns 41, considering the idea of removing them due to their appearance, practicality, and the potential health risks they pose.