Tag: Biden Administration

In this episode, AJC Chief Policy and Political Affairs Officer, Jason Isaacson, discusses President Biden's inaugural address and what we can expect from the new administration.
This article discusses the events that took place at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th, analyzing the historical significance of the insurrection and the role of Donald Trump.
Dan Senor discusses the potential implications of a Biden administration in the Middle East, particularly in relation to the Abraham Accords and Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu's legal challenges.
The assassination of Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh has raised questions about the future of Israel-Iran relations.
Jonathan Swan, a national political correspondent at Axios, gained fame when his combative interview with President Trump went viral.
In this episode of Israel Policy Forum's briefing, Policy Director Michael Koplow and Government Relations Director Aaron Weinberg discuss the future of U.S.-Israel and U.S.-Palestinian relations under the incoming Biden administration.
President Trump, often criticized for divisive rhetoric, surprisingly gained support among minorities in the 2020 election, securing significant votes from Black, Latino, and Muslim communities.