Tag: Chazal

The custom of baking "Shlissel Challah" with a key on the Shabbos after Pesach as a segulah for parnassah (sustenance) is debated for its origins, some linking it to non-Jewish practices.
The article discusses the kashrut of bread in Jewish dietary laws.
In this shiur, the discussion revolves around the rise of antisemitism on university campuses, particularly at elite universities like Harvard.
The article discusses a new book called "The Great Zmanim Debate," written by Rabbi Aharon Notis, which addresses the topic of Torah and science.
The author discusses the laws of kashrut for birds and the different viewpoints of Jewish scholars regarding the signs that determine whether a bird is kosher or non-kosher.
This article explores the controversy surrounding Rashi's statements about the natural world.
The misconception that an eved Ivri (Jewish servant) goes free in the shemitah year is incorrect.
This episode discusses Spinoza's claims about Ibn Ezra and their differing attitudes towards Chazal.
In this episode, Spinoza's questions about the authenticity of the Tanach are explored, considering how original his inquiries were and whether similar questions arose before his time.
This episode discusses how Spinoza's level of Jewish education affected his understanding of traditional Jewish texts.
This podcast episode reflects on the lessons to be learned from the COVID-19 crisis, drawing parallels with Tanachic rules for understanding significant events.
This episode explores the challenge of embracing the authenticity of Torah in our current era and questions the difference in how we perceive Tanach compared to the words of Chazal.
Rav Aharon Lichtenstein, a revered rabbinic figure, was honored at his funeral for embodying a balance of authority (koach) and beauty (hadar) in his teachings.