Tag: Cholent

Lipas Munch is a popular fast food spot in Lakewood, New Jersey, founded by Lipa Ribiat three years ago to cater to yeshivah bochurim.
Experts Laura Southern, Esther Donoff, Ian Marber, and Dr. Michelle Braude offer practical tips for improving health without extreme measures, such as incorporating superfood cholent for gut health, switching to turkey for better nutrition, fasting intermittently to stabilize sugar levels, gradually reducing sugar and processed foods, focusing on whole foods, cooking from scratch, adding variety to meals with new ingredients, and staying hydrated with water.
This article celebrates the fourth anniversary of The Cholent, a Jewish media platform, by providing a top 10 list of its most impactful stories from 2021 to 2023.
In this personal essay, the author reflects on her experience of mourning her father, who was a prominent rabbi.
The author apologizes for not posting in a few weeks due to various reasons such as holidays, illness, and busy schedule.
Various Jewish culinary experts and comedians were asked to identify the toughest kosher or culturally Jewish food to eat in large quantities for an eating contest.
In "Rhapsody in Schmaltz: Yiddish Food and Why We Can't Stop Eating It," Michael Wex, known for his work on Yiddish language and culture, delves into the realm of Yiddish cuisine, exploring its traditional roots in Eastern Europe.
A memoir titled "The Lord Is My Shepherd" reflects on a third-generation American assimilated Jewish family's journey back to their Jewish roots.