Tag: Climate Change

The text highlights a concern that some liberals may be talking themselves into clinical depression by focusing on negative news such as COVID, climate change, and judicial system issues, while rejecting good news.
The podcast discussion covers three main topics of interest.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron discuss significant topics including police pressure on Netanyahu's ex-spokesperson in a trial, the IDF's role in addressing climate change in Israel, and government regulations affecting ultra-Orthodox leaders' control over kosher phones.
The concept of ethical kashrut, or ethical Jewish dietary laws, is gaining traction among Jewish institutions and leaders who advocate for more sustainable food practices.
The author reflects on the beauty of nature and the devastating effects of climate change.
Prof. Yuval Noah Harari joins a conversation touching on various topics including pandemics, climate change, the role of corporations versus governments, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and trans rights, as well as sharing personal Bar Mitzvah experiences.
In a recent discussion, Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron talk about Defense Minister Benny Gantz's assurance regarding Palestinian human rights organizations, a detailed 100-point plan to address climate change, and the ethical dilemma of prioritizing vaccinated individuals for medical treatments during the pandemic.
The article discusses the impact of a storm on the author's sukkah during the holiday of Sukkot.
The Jewish Currents staff discusses political depression and how to cope with it amidst climate change and the pandemic.
Hazon, the Jewish environmental group, has announced its merger with the Pearlstone Center in Maryland to create a larger organization focused on fighting climate change.
In his book "The Power of Deserts: Climate Change, the Middle East and the Promise of a Post-Oil Era," Professor Dan Rabinowitz explores the Middle East's role as a significant contributor to climate change and its vulnerability to its consequences.
Merav Ben-David, a Jewish Israeli immigrant running for Senate in Wyoming as a Democrat, faces challenges in a state that hasn't elected a Democrat to federal office since 1976 and has a small Jewish population.
Gidon Bromberg, director of EcoPeace Middle East, highlights the importance of coordinating environmental policies among Israel, Palestine, and Jordan, emphasizing the urgency of addressing shared issues like water resources and climate change even amidst conflicts.
Gidon Bromberg, the director of EcoPeace Middle East, emphasizes the importance of coordinating environmental policies and sharing vital resources between Israel, Palestine, and Jordan.
In a tweet, Gerald Kutney, a scientist and climate advocate, highlights the urgent need to address the pressing issue of climate change, emphasizing the physical and spiritual aspects that are often overlooked.
Weather plays a significant role in our daily lives and prayers, with rain being a key focus during the fall and dew in the spring according to Jewish liturgy.
In this episode at the Denver JCC Mizel Arts and Culture Center for the Neustadt Jewish Arts, Authors, Movies, and Music Festival, Sue Salinger from Hazon discusses Jewish teachings on farming, sustainability, and climate change.
Jonathan Safran Foer advocates for individuals to reduce their carbon footprint by cutting out animal-derived products, emphasizing the environmental impact of animal agriculture in his book "We Are the Weather: Saving the Planet Begins at Breakfast."
In this episode, Noah Efron, Don Futterman, and Miriam Herschlag discuss the potential for unity between Israel's Jewish and Arab left, academic concerns about bias in pro-Israel scholarship, and Israel's unique lack of worry about global threats.
In this edition, Noah, Don, and Allison discuss various topics.
Nir Stav, Director of the Israel Meteorological Service, addresses the challenges of climate change in the Middle East and how various countries are navigating them amid regional political unrest.
Oded Gilad, director of One World - The Movement for Global Democracy, discusses with host Gilad Halpern the potential of a more democratic approach in addressing global issues like climate change and poverty.
The text discusses the author's desire for escapism from the current political and cultural climate, highlighting feelings of dismay and frustration with the state of the world.
In this edition, Allison, Don, and Noah discuss three key topics: demonstrations in Afula, Israel against housing for Arab Israelis, MK Ayman Odeh's visit to America and the implications for politics, and Israels participation in the Paris climate conference.
In this article, Rabbi Jay Michaelson emphasizes the importance of environmental stewardship as a Jewish duty, challenging the gentle rhetoric of Jewish environmentalism and advocating for a more stringent approach that holds individuals and corporations accountable for their impact on the environment.