Tag: Colonialism

The essay criticizes the Palestinian propaganda's misleading use of maps to depict Israel as imperialist and colonialist.
June Jordan's 1993 tribute to Audre Lorde reflects on their shared activism in the Civil Rights and Black Power movements, particularly during student protests at City University of New York (CUNY) in the late 1960s.
The text discusses the politicization of Middle East studies in academic circles, particularly focusing on the Middle East Studies Association (MESA) and its response to the Israeli-Hamas conflict.
The author reflects on a situation where his daughter's classmate accused her of glorifying colonialism because of her paintings inspired by her wife's childhood in an Israeli kibbutz attacked by Hamas.
The article discusses the Enlightenment and its relevance today.
The text discusses the intense reaction in the United States to pro-Palestine activism and suggests that it stems from a fear that challenging Israel's legitimacy also challenges America's.
In this text, the writer reflects on Hélène Cixous, a feminist theorist, and her profound impact on their understanding of writing and identity.
Professor Hagar Kotef from SOAS, University of London, delves into her book "The Colonizing Self: Or, Home and Homelessness in Israel/Palestine," examining the idea of home in the context of Israeli settlements and the displacement of Palestinians.
In his new book, "The Memory of Colonialism in Britain and France: The Sins of Silence," Dr. Itay Lotem delves into Britain and France's remembrance of colonialism.
Dr. Itay Lotem, a Senior Lecturer at the University of Westminster, explores the theme of colonial memory in Britain and France in his book, "The Memory of Colonialism in Britain and France: The Sins of Silence."
The text discusses the importance of discussing Israel and Palestine thoughtfully and responsibly.
Dr. Martina Weisz examines the role of Jews in the Spanish and Portuguese colonial endeavors following their expulsion from these countries in the late 15th century.
The essay discusses the complex history of Portuguese Jews in Suriname, particularly focusing on David Nassy and his family in the seventeenth century.
The text discusses how the current framing of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict draws parallels between Palestinians and African Americans, aiming to connect their struggles against oppression.