Tag: Compassion

Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum, a Reconstructionist rabbi, expresses empathy for LGBTQ individuals but opposes normalization of LGBTQ lifestyles, citing biblical values and the Torah's teachings.
The article explores the concept of noticing what is not seen, using the analogy from Sherlock Holmes' story "The Adventure of Silver Blaze."
In this discussion on the Parashah of the week, Mishpatim, the emphasis is on the importance of not rushing to judgment without verifying facts.
Rabbi Menachem Braun, known for his dedication to at-risk youth and his love for mitzvos, Torah, and fellow Jews, passed away in a tragic boating accident several months ago.
Two professors at the University of Pittsburgh, one Jewish and one Muslim, organized an event called "Pitt Community United in Compassion" to foster an environment of support and understanding in response to campus conflicts.
In the face of the destruction in Gaza, it is important to remember the lessons of the Torah and the wisdom it imparts.
In this article, the author discusses the importance of having a constitution for the Jewish State of Israel.
The author discusses the radical halachic difference between rationalists and mystics regarding the mitzvah of shiluach ha-kein, which appears in this week's Torah reading.
In his latest book "The Rebel Christ," Reverend Michael Coren cleverly advocates for equal marriage, the right to abortion, and presents supporting scriptures for his arguments.
The text discusses the issue of whether Jeffrey Toobin should be shown compassion and forgiveness in contrast to the unforgiving nature of woke culture towards those who err.
Fleet Maull, once a drug smuggling kingpin, turned Buddhist teacher and academic, served 14 years in prison and now focuses on bringing mindfulness and compassion to inmates and correctional officers in North America.
The text discusses the ongoing national debate about balancing public health concerns with societal needs, highlighting the clashes between these viewpoints leading to attacks on each side's empathy and compassion.
The article delves into the nature of Rosh Hashanah as a day of judgment, focusing not just on human self-reflection and repentance but also on God's role as the judge.
The discussion examines the parallel between illegal immigration issues faced in the United States today and the story of Ruth from the Book of Ruth, traditionally read during Shavuot.
During Shavuot, the Book of Ruth is traditionally read in synagogues and offers valuable lessons in compassion.