Tag: Diaspora Jews

Cousins Yael Levy in Israel and Terri Ackerman in Long Island have organized a team of 150 volunteers to supply IDF soldiers with gear like pocket knives, thermal gloves, medical supplies, and more, totaling over 9,000 pounds distributed since October.
As Israel continues to grapple with the aftermath of the Oct. 7 attacks, Jewish educators and communal professionals are experiencing a profound reconnection with the country.
The rise in antisemitic attacks in France following the Hamas massacres in Israel has led many Jewish individuals to fear for their safety, prompting them to remove their mezuzot from outside their homes and place them inside instead.
Rabbi Delphine Horveilleur, an influential French Jewish figure, reflects on the vulnerability felt by Diaspora Jews after recent attacks and the war in Gaza, noting a sense of brokenness even in Israel.
The essay discusses the challenging political decisions facing Diaspora Jews, particularly in the United States, Canada, Britain, Australia, and France.
The essay discusses the intersection of antisemitism and anti-Israel sentiment in the aftermath of a significant event, noting a distinction between traditional antisemitism and modern anti-Israelism.
Israeli journalist Yossi Klein Halevi, known for his message of hope, spoke in Toronto on Israel's 76th anniversary, stressing Israel's decision not to be a victim after recent attacks.
The text discusses the stories of Omer Balva, Rose Lubin, and Yonatan Dean Chaim, U.S.-born lone soldiers who died while serving in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).
The late Rabbi Dr. Sidney Brichto, a strong advocate for Israel within Progressive Jewish circles, felt that the term Zionism had been so distorted by its opponents that it should be retired, as it had become a target for antisemitism.
The essay, written by Michael Oren, a former Israeli ambassador to the United States, discusses the feeling of loneliness experienced by many Jews in the face of global condemnation, particularly during conflicts involving Israel.
In Saul Goldman's guest essay, he addresses the concept of silence being a deadly sin, urging Diaspora Jews to speak up and act against rising antisemitism.
Israeli real estate shows in Canada have sparked protests due to accusations of promoting the purchase of property in disputed areas, such as the West Bank and East Jerusalem, seen as illegal settlements by the UN and Canada.
The author reflects on the ongoing conflict in Israel and the importance of Diaspora Jews taking action to support Israelis.
A Jewish professional reflects on an impactful trip to Israel with Birthright, where professionals from various Jewish organizations, including Hillel, Chabad, and advocacy groups, came together for a week of shared learning and unity in the wake of a national tragedy.
Hamas has been making significant strides toward its war goals, including creating fear and insecurity among Israelis, sabotaging prospects for lasting peace between Israel and the Palestinians, fostering a surge in antisemitism worldwide, and isolating Israel on the international stage.
Beejhy Barhany, the owner of Tsion Cafe in Harlem, is celebrating her Ethiopian-Israeli Jewish identity by making her restaurant fully kosher and vegan.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, listener feedback on the Israel at War topic is discussed.
The article explores the importance of contrarian thinking within Jewish culture and history.
In a special edition of the Haaretz Podcast, the editorial team asked readers their pressing questions about the Israel-Hamas conflict.
In December 2023, Vancouver rabbis Dan Moskovitz and Carey Brown were part of a delegation that visited Israel on a solidarity mission, bringing supplies and meeting with survivors and mourners in the aftermath of a deadly Hamas attack.
The text discusses a shift in the relationship of Diaspora Jews with Israel, highlighting the impact of recent events like protests against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Hamas massacre in 2023.
The author discusses the rise in pro-Palestinian antisemitism and its correlation with violence in Israel-Palestine.
This article discusses the current state of international sympathy towards Israel in the wake of the Simchat Torah massacre by Hamas terrorists.
In this article, the editor-in-chief of Jewish Currents reflects on the emotional and political challenges faced by Jewish activists in the current Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Prominent American-Israeli author Daniel Gordis, along with authors and lecturers Yossi Klein Halevi and Matti Friedman, urge diaspora Jews to support the protest movement in Israel against the Netanyahu government's proposed changes in the judicial system.