Tag: Discrimination

Three Orthodox Jewish passengers were ordered off a JetBlue flight after they changed seats.
The presidents of Harvard, MIT, and UPenn recently faced scrutiny for their inability to answer whether calling for the genocide of Jews would violate school policies.
The U.S. Department of Education has opened 12 new investigations into alleged discrimination at colleges and school districts, with at least four of them related to antisemitism.
In recent congressional testimony, presidents from Harvard, MIT, and UPenn refused to denounce terrorism or clarify whether calls for the genocide of Jews constitute harassment.
The Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights has opened investigations into several prominent universities, including Harvard University, Cornell University, and Columbia University, following numerous complaints and lawsuits alleging failure to protect Jewish students from antisemitism.
The Daily Bruin, a student newspaper at the University of California, Los Angeles, has fired a Jewish student reporter, Eli Nachimson, after they spoke at a pro-Palestinian rally.
Franklin Kameny, a gay Jewish astronomer, fought against discrimination and persecution faced by gay individuals in the 1950s.
The author receives an email from his son's high school principal informing him of a potential student-led demonstration in support of Palestine, which causes him distress given the recent surge in anti-Semitic violence.
US Education Secretary Miguel Cardona has warned that colleges could face funding cuts if they fail to address antisemitism and other forms of bigotry.
The article discusses the presence of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) on university campuses and argues that their activities often border on antisemitism.
New York Governor Kathy Hochul has called on New Yorkers to stand up against rising antisemitism following a series of incidents targeting Jewish students on college campuses.
Israeli Bedouins living in unrecognized areas in the Negev desert lack the safety and security that most Israelis take for granted.
The US has admitted Israel into the Visa Waiver Program (VWP), which allows Israeli citizens to travel to the US without visas.
Rice Pride, an LGBTQ+ student group at Rice University, has severed ties with its Hillel branch over the issue of Israel.
Elon Musk recently endorsed an anti-ADL campaign on Twitter, using the hashtag #BantheADL.
The township of Jackson in New Jersey has agreed to pay $575,000 in a settlement with the state attorney general to resolve a lawsuit alleging that local ordinances were used to discriminate against Orthodox Jews.
The SRE (Safety Respect Equity) Network was formed in 2018 to address gender-based harassment and discrimination in Jewish spaces.
This article discusses the prevalence of hatred towards religious Jews and the unfair portrayal of Haredi Jews in the media.
Harvey Burg, a Jewish volunteer at the March on Washington in 1963, reflects on his experience and the impact it had on his involvement in the civil rights movement.
This text explores the dilemma of school selection policies within the Jewish community.
Lord John Mann, a British politician and adviser on antisemitism, and Darius Jones, founder of the National Black Empowerment Council, discuss their motivations for fighting antisemitism.
The increase in antisemitic incidents on university campuses is a concerning issue for Jewish students.
The article discusses the Biden administration's redefinition of antisemitism and the controversy surrounding it.
The text discusses how false historical narratives have been used to justify discrimination against Asian Americans, particularly in the context of affirmative action in education.
Arab towns in Israel are facing a daily battle for survival due to the rise of organized crime, as highlighted by recent shootings and murders.