Tag: Extremism

Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation League, expressed concerns about Wikipedia's bias after the site rated ADL's information on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as generally unreliable.
The article discusses how Hamas' decision regarding President Biden's ceasefire proposal could greatly impact Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's political future.
Michael Gove, a prominent British politician who recently decided not to seek re-election, has been a strong ally to the Jewish community and supporter of Israel throughout his career.
The author discusses the importance of condemning settler violence in Israel, drawing parallels between extremist groups like Hamas and radicalized Israeli settlers.
Dr. Harold Behr, a retired child psychiatrist, highlights that the current wave of student protests surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on university campuses reflects the adolescent need for certainty and belonging.
Recent local elections in the UK have highlighted the issue of extremism in politics, particularly in the Green and Tory parties.
Harvard professor Steve Kelman reflects on the extremism of student protesters in a recent article, drawing parallels between current pro-Palestinian activism and the radicalism he observed during his undergraduate years in the late 1960s.
The text discusses the importance of deradicalizing Palestinians as a crucial step towards achieving peace in the region.
The text warns against the dangers of naive interfaith engagement within the Jewish community, highlighting instances where individuals and organizations involved in interfaith work may inadvertently lend support to extremist or problematic groups.
Renowned filmmaker Steven Spielberg, honored at a ceremony at the University of Southern California for his Holocaust remembrance work, warned about rising antisemitism on college campuses and denounced extremism.
Imam Asim Hafiz, the chief Muslim chaplain to Britains armed forces, was involved in controversy after hosting a reception in Parliament where guests with inflammatory views were present, including Ismail Patel of Friends of Al-Aqsa and Zara Mohammed of the Muslim Council of Britain.
A British Jewish individual expresses exhaustion and fear due to a surge in anti-Jewish hate since October 7, with incidents escalating to over 4,000, including threats in various settings.
The text discusses the challenges of excluding extremists from public life despite efforts to define and combat extremism.
The letters to the editor published on March 15, 2024, cover a range of topics from discussions on combating antisemitism, proposing solutions for Gaza humanitarian aid, and addressing religious tensions between Judaism and Islam.
The text discusses the looming fear of terrorism striking again, particularly in the UK, emphasizing the difficulty in predicting and preventing such attacks.
The author discusses how the concept of Islamophobia is being exploited by Islamists to stifle debate and criticism of Islam and its extremist elements under the guise of combating racism.
The surge in antisemitism following the Hamas terror attack on Israel was not surprising to CST, an organization with a 30-year history of monitoring and combating anti-Jewish hatred.
In this article, Dr. Mitchell Bard discusses President Joe Biden's executive order declaring a national emergency to combat settler violence in the West Bank.
An article explores the issue of antisemitism on TikTok, noting that while the app's algorithm customizes content to each user, it can also expose users to radical ideologies and hateful content.
The author criticizes the extreme bias of two Jewish publications, the right-wing Jewish Press and the left-wing Haaretz.
The text highlights the voices of Muslim and Arab individuals who are speaking out against antisemitism and extremism.
The author highlights the growing shift among Israeli Jews and Palestinians towards militaristic jingoism and right-wing politics, leading to a lack of support for a two-state solution.
Three university presidents (from Harvard, MIT, and Penn) testified in a Republican-led hearing, defending the constitutionally guaranteed right to free speech, even in cases of rhetoric calling for the genocide of Jews.
This week's Antisemitism Monitor reports on several incidents of antisemitism in different parts of the world.
In this essay, Rabbi Shai Held discusses the challenges faced by religious Jews on the left in light of recent events in Israel.