Tag: France

Exploration of the settlement history of Jews in Bordeaux, France from the 4th to the 19th century in preparation for a Kosher River Cruise, without overt promotional content.
Following the alleged antisemitic rape of a 12-year-old Jewish girl by two teenage boys in a Paris suburb, France has been grappling with a surge of protests and political action against rising antisemitism.
In the recent French election for the European Parliament, the far-right Rassemblement National led by Marine Le Pen won, but the surprising resurgence of the Socialist Party, nearly securing second place, marked a significant shift in French politics.
The author reflects on the personal significance of the 80th anniversary of D-Day, highlighting how the Allied landing on June 6, 1944, saved their Jewish family in France from Nazi deportation and likely death.
Raphal Glucksmann, a Jewish intellectual and leader of Frances Socialist Party, has made significant strides in his political career, now polling at 15% in the EU elections.
The text discusses Lon Blum, a significant figure in French history who served as Prime Minister three times, was a socialist activist, and bravely opposed the pro-Nazi Vichy regime.
The text discusses the Jewish question in French politics, focusing on the challenges faced by a French Jewish family in deciding whether to stay in France due to concerns about rising anti-Semitism, particularly from Muslim immigrants and the political rise of right-wing parties like Marine Le Pen's National Rally.
Tablet Paris discusses the resilience and pride of French Jews in the face of challenges, contrasting it with the current schism within American Jewry post-Oct.
Tablet delves into the current state of French Jewry ten years after terrorist attacks led to an exodus to Israel, contrasting French resilience with American Jewish concerns.
The recent antisemitic arson attack at a synagogue in Rouen, France, carried out by an Algerian citizen, has reignited concerns about rising antisemitism in the country.
The essay discusses how current struggles involving Israel and Jews are often reflections of broader societal challenges faced by Western nations, drawing parallels with historical events like the Dreyfus Affair in France.
The Biden administration has expanded its list of West Bank settlers facing U.S. sanctions, adding two settlement outposts along with individuals accused of instigating violence against Palestinians.
Jewish French-Moroccan journalist Ruth Elkrief, known for her long career in TV news in France, faced heightened scrutiny after being put under police protection due to an online attack from far-left politician Jean-Luc Mlenchon, who accused her of Islamophobia following an interview about the Israel-Hamas conflict.
Robert Badinter, a prominent French figure known for his advocacy against the death penalty and his commitment to the values of liberty, equality, and fraternity, passed away recently.
Gabriel Attal, the new French Prime Minister, is the country's first openly gay prime minister and the fifth of Jewish ancestry.
"Prayer for the French Republic," a three-hour play about antisemitism, has become a must-see show on Broadway.
Gabriel Attal, France's new prime minister, is making headlines for being the country's youngest prime minister at 34 and its first openly gay prime minister.
Gabriel Attal, France's youngest-ever prime minister and first openly gay prime minister, has spoken about how his Jewish ancestry has shaped him.
Despite the ongoing crisis and war in Israel, thousands of Jews from various countries have chosen to move to Israel, also known as making aliyah.
The recent increase in antisemitic acts in France, in response to the conflict between Israel and Hamas, has sparked concerns about the potential for an intifada, or uprising, in the country.
The author, a French Jew, reflects on the recent rise of anti-Semitism and acts of violence against Jews around the world.
Chief Rabbi Haim Korsia of France recently visited Ontario and Quebec, where he downplayed concerns about the challenges facing France's Jewish community despite past terrorist attacks and violence.
Tel Aviv has dropped from the top spot to third place in the ranking of the most expensive cities in the world, with cost of living remaining high despite this change.
The texts in question cover a range of topics related to Jewish history, literature, and culture.
"Prayer for the French Republic" is a play written by Joshua Harmon that explores the question of whether it is safe to be Jewish in France.